Friday, January 2, 2015

Silver lining in Templeton??

Silver lining in Templeton??

Could this be good news in the long view??

On a blog post, on Friday, December 19, 2014, concerning Templeton Tax rate being set at $16.64, apparently about .40 cents above what was expected. The reason stated was an anticipated reimbursement from MSBA did not make it to the town in time.

I think this is a good thing, as it will allow this money to sit and perhaps be used for something good, such as a capital stabilization account. This would be a good question for the Capital Planning Committee, Advisory Board and BOS. There will be a follow up blog entry on this subject, budget, later this week. Election time is right around the corner and budget season is in motion ( hopefully) and I have high hopes this year is the beginning of good ideas, good planning and of high numbers of taxpayer participation. Please watch this blog for further financial information and explanation of terms and DOR processes.

As an FYI, I was told by people in the know at town hall on Monday that that check has arrived at town hall so lets hope it is used wisely. Remember, it is your money so do not be afraid to call and ask about it or attend a selectmen meeting and ask there.

Jeff Bennett

1 comment:

  1. Enforce to be client / being taxpayer , what ever, they call you slave ...a taking = stealing , at any amount ,frankly this amount of over charging by any standard of taxation to create now a surplus fund . in the interest of who ? This confuse me ! When I request employees of the town of Templeton , our servants or are they serpents ? When such personal are required to act on town own by laws . Yet year after year after year they do not act!! after written request .This can only be seen as malfeasance of office causing two thoughts 1 untold damages to peace and order 2 The towns interest is really personal own employment , not service , I guess this is why there is a surplus to encourage law suits correct ?
