Sunday, January 11, 2015



 Born on January 12, 1937

     We found it fitting to wish PAULY a  HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

        We can only hope that he taught enough people to stand up and speak out!

  Our town of Templeton is much better off for the things he started and the work others are still doing.

 Look around and you can see the results of the hard work and dedication of the people who want to make Templeton a better place in better shape. No matter what you look at or how you add it up many things  are getting better.  The fact is it’s because people who care about our town won’t settle for less.  I can’t thank them enough for the hard work and dedication they show day after day and time and time again show up to help out. Town Hall, Senior Center, Playgrounds, you name it Templeton’s in a better place due to the people who care. When the problems started years ago and Pauly was making headlines day after day he was right to do it the way he did. The only way to get the message out was the way he did. You can’t say it didn’t work! Some people just know how to get the message across.

  Your work will continue and we will BLOG it to make sure Templeton knows.

                Well Uncle Pauly  “HAPPY BIRTHDAY”  &  “HAPPY NEWYEAR”                 



1 comment:

  1. I have said before and I will say it again, Pauly may prove to the most historically significant person in the Town of Templetons' history . All though a guy who appeared rough and tough, the other side of Pauly could prove to be thoughtful, and a great help to those who needed it. He was a self made man, who earned every cent he made, and yes, those pennies ,dimes and nickles that were under a car seat did add up. The standards he met were what he expected from everyone else, so when he saw wrong doing, he expected the authorities to do their job. As we know, reality does not always work that way, and the truth can be hid and buried, but Pauly's next move was one of his best. Pauly started this blog to give the people of the town he loved a voice, and so he could be heard. No longer could wrong doings be hid, or covered up. A coin has two sides, and so does a story. Pauly made sure people in the Town of Templeton would always know both sides. I miss my friend, my knight in shinning armor, and will carry on your work. Bev.
