Monday, January 19, 2015


Eryn Dion
News Staff Writer

Almost a year after John Caplis was hired as the town’s first veterans service officer, more veterans are coming in and receiving financial and medical benefits than ever before.

“I went from having six clients to now I have 15 clients,” Mr. Caplis said. “And those are just the ones with federal benefits.”

In addition to those 15 regulars, the veterans service officer says he sees 30 to 40 veterans from the community seeking other forms of assistance.

“I work 19 hours a week, but it’s a full-time job,” Mr. Caplis said.

The funding model for veterans services requires municipalities to cover the cost of these benefits in their budgets and receive reimbursement from the state. Mr. Caplis requested this week that his department be allowed to deficit spend, as the amount of new clients brought into the fold has already outstripped the allotted $60,000 budget.

“I knew the $60,000 wasn’t going to be enough,” he said. “I knew more vets were going to come out of the woodwork because they previously didn’t want to drive to Athol.”

But unlike when other departments must grapple with unexpected spending increases, deficit spending on veterans services is a welcome signal that more local veterans are signing up for the assistance and benefits for which they’re entitled.

“This is a good thing that the amount is going up,” said Board of Selectmen Chairman Kenn Robinson during Monday’s meeting.

“If you’re doing it right, that’s what is going to happen,” Selectman Julie Farrell said in agreement.

One of the hurdles, according to Mr. Caplis, has been overcoming the number of veterans who were previously told they would not qualify for, or were flat-out denied, benefits and assistance through the town’s previous veterans service.

“A lot of veterans out here didn’t even know they qualified for benefits,” Mr. Caplis said.

Now, Mr. Caplis said he spends $12,000 to $15,000 each month on veterans in the community, but those numbers don’t tell the full story. Mr. Caplis said he has been able to secure death benefits worth up to $2,000 for families to help offset funeral expenses, and he was even able to visit and help a World War II double amputee receive $1,000 each month in support.

“It’s awesome to have an individual VSO here in town,” Mr. Caplis said.

Initially, he added, there may be an additional $30,000 needed to cover the influx until the end of the fiscal year. Looking ahead, he said he anticipates that number will grow as more and more veterans move into the community, drawn in by the relatively low tax rate and home values.

“We’re doing our part,” Mr. Caplis said. “And the community is doing their part.”



  1. My hat goes off to John and the many Veterans he serves. The job he is doing for them is one of the most important things we as nation need to do. Prior to him serving as Templeton VSO we were left in the dark on questions we had asked the old district VSO. The move to have our own VSO is a great thing for our town and those who have served. I hope all Veterans can find the services they are entitled to recieve. The fact is there are many more PTSD Veterans now who need help and won't ask for whatever reason. Hopefully John can help as many as he can and in doing so helps us all. I wish thank all Veterans for their service. I thank John for stepping up and doing a great job as Tempelton VSO.

    1. When I was a kid, my father was very sick and we needed help. He went to see the Veterans Agent in town, Mr. Hayes would not help him. Later on Charlie Gout helped him get benefits he was due, and I did find the opportunity to thank Mr. Grout for what he did to help dad, and the other veterans while he held the Veterans Agent job. Mr. Grouts passing left a huge void, and it does seem John has filled it. The veterans coming home need a person they can trust, so now we have that person, we need to support him 100%. I can understand why our Veterans would not go to Athol, and I do not think it had to do with the ride. We did the right thing to give John the job, so give another point to the things Pauly's Blog and his followers supported. You readers are very important to the growth of our Town of Templeton. Don't ever forget it, Many thanks, Bev.
