Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Clarification on some Confusion

Clarification on some Confusion

At last night's BOS meeting there was some discussion about who would be appointed to the NRSD budget sub-committee with voting privileges.

The controversy began when the Templeton BOS received a letter from School Superintendent Ruth Miller on JANUARY 21, 2015:

The Templeton BOS were instructed to appoint one member of the Advisory Board who would be the voting member of the NRSD Budget Subcommittee. While every one was strongly encouraged to attend, only the appointed advisory board member would be a voting member.

When asked for the school committee votes that changed this NRSD policy, we received this letter signed by the Chairman of the School Committee :

Now we have clarification that this policy was changed at the April 16, 2014 School committee meeting. Hmmm....so why the delay in informing the Templeton BOS? There is quite a time span between April 16, 2014 and January 21, 2015.

Yesterday the Templeton BOS received a clarification letter from the chairman of the Policy sub-committee:

Long story short, Julie Farrell was appointed as the voting member to the NRSD budget subcommittee. The vote was 3 yes and 1 no for this appointment.


  1. That's great news, They tried but failed to "stack" their voting members. What's next???

  2. Trifilo and Koziol both up for election......perhaps time for some new faces on the school committee..........time to check my schedule.

  3. I would highly recommend to all who would run for School Committee to read the excellent book The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto. Mr. Gatto who taught for over 30 years in the New York City Public School system gives an excellent account of compulsory education that is a must read for all.
