Tuesday, February 17, 2015

On Public Records Request

The Town of Templeton's elected officials may think I have gone away, or forgotten or that I am not serious, but that would be a mistake! I am owed $12.50 that I was charged for copies of records I requested. I have several pieces of paperwork that prove this, including one in which a town employee makes an assumption on this. The Town government will soon be in possession of a written request for the refund and what will happen if it is rejected. A year ago or so, the present chairman of the board of selectmen Kenn Robinson made a statement at a selectmen meeting concerning his signing on a petition for a special election for an open seat on the BOS. He stated he signed the petition because of his belief in democracy. One of the basic principles of democracy is the free open flow of information. If a selectman wanted this information, they would simply request an employee gather it up for them, for which there would be no charge or extra wages paid to any employee. Since all selectmen are residents of Templeton, what is good for selectmen should be good for the rest of the residents.

Jeff Bennett

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