Friday, February 27, 2015

One for the little guy
At the last selectmen meeting, the BOS voted to refund money that was paid for copies of public records not received. I was charged for 30 copies but only received 5 so the Town took in $15.00 yet only produce $2.50 worth of product. I posted on this blog that I intended to send a letter to the Town seeking a refund and if it was not given, I would seek redress in small claims court, win or lose, good case or bad, I would go through the motions. Low and behold, before I could send the letter, this item appeared on the agenda for selectmen meeting and the board voted to refund the money. Apparently someone in the selectmen's office reads this blog! I also explained to the board the difference between computer printouts and photo copies. I have a letter and memo that suggests the selectmen were going to charge .50 cents per page for photo copies rather than the .20 cents per page allowed under state law. It appeared selectmen John Columbus was a little confused as to the requirement of the board to provide public records. It is the LAW! Apparently, some selectmen want to proceed with moving forward with an elementary school project without first accounting for monies spent already on the project. Either the records are not there, the records are incomplete or some do not want the records in the publics hands before a vote on the entire project occurs. My question is why would that be?

Jeff Bennett


  1. I guess it is a good thing Mr. Columbus does not have the only say on the board. He voted against putting me on the Re-use Committee for the Templeton Developmental Center. Now why would he do that ?? My reason for asking to be put on the Committee was to watch out for the tax payers in this town, nothing more. As it turns out, because I just became a member of the Advisory Board, I can't serve on the TDC Committee. So that means a seat is open to a member of the community. Mr. Columbus has a lot to learn, like he can't do what he wants, so Jeff has just taught him another lesson. Good for the little guy!! Bev.

    1. As far as I know, the voters of the town only approved spending money for the feasibility study, for this "new school". I did hear through the grape vine that there would be no vote to allow the plan to go forward. I for the life of me, can't believe that would be alright with the citizens of this town. Speaking of going blindly forward,Bart I was told the new wood chip furnace project was stalled because it was too cold to pour cement. It will be real interesting to see what propane has cost us this winter. Bart told me that there is 50% more heat in oil than there is in propane. He said there is 140,000 Btu's in a gal of oil, and 90,000 Btu's in a gal of propane. It will all come out in the wash, but I'll bet it would have come out cleaner if someone knew what they were doing. So what revision is this school project on now ?? And Jeff is right, how much has it cost, and where is the money coming from to make all these changes ?? Bev.

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