Saturday, February 14, 2015

Quabbin may join lawsuit over Baker cuts

Quabbin may join lawsuit over Baker cuts

BARRE — More than 80 school districts are prepared to take legal action to combat the governor's proposed $18.7 million cut to the $70.3 million allocated in the fiscal 2015 state budget for regional school transportation, according to the superintendent of the Quabbin district.

At issue is a state law that requires that any cuts to regional transportation be matched by cuts to Chapter 70 school aid, according to legislators. To date, there have been no proposed Chapter 70 cuts to deal with the state budget deficit that Gov. Charlie Baker has pegged at $786 million.

During Thursday's Quabbin Regional School Committee meeting, Superintendent Maureen M. Marshall's request for $500, as the district's share to litigate the matter, was unanimously approved.

If needed, the money would be spent as part of an effort coordinated by the Massachusetts Association of Regional Schools for a potential lawsuit, she said.

In addition, a bipartisan group of 63 state legislators recently wrote state Attorney General Maura Healey asking that she provide an opinion about the legality of the regional transportation budget reduction under consideration.

The letter notes that the regional school transportation cuts were the idea of former Gov. Deval Patrick, who left office in January.

Ms. Marshall said that because Mr. Baker plans to make those same cuts, a resolution is needed, and the hope is that the AG decides in favor of the regional schools.

The legislator's letter refers the AG to a 2010 state law that says: "Regional school payments made by the state in any fiscal year through the general appropriations act shall not be lowered by a greater percentage than any reduction made to the chapter 70 payments in that fiscal year."

The letter, dated Jan. 23, says: "We respectfully request that you issue an opinion as to whether (the 2010 law) limits a governor's authority to reduce regional school transportation allotments."

Barre, Hardwick, Hubbardston, New Braintree and Oakham make up the Quabbin district.

Questions -
Did Quabbin reduce its assessments to its member towns for regional transportation ?
"Regional school payments made by the state in any fiscal year through the general appropriations act shall not be lowered by a greater percentage than any reduction made to the chapter 70 payments in that fiscal year." 
if the Gov. reduces Ch. 70 funds then it's ok to cut regional transportation?


  1. It sure sounds like the people in these school districts are going to be the ones on the short end of the stick, one way or the other. Can anyone have faith in their School leaders, Superintendents or School Committee members when so much is buried, and not open to the public ?? I sure do not think so. Bev.

  2. It sure sounds like the people in these school districts are going to be the ones on the short end of the stick, one way or the other. Can anyone have faith in their School leaders, Superintendents or School Committee members when so much is buried, and not open to the public ?? I sure do not think so. Bev.
