Thursday, February 12, 2015

Senators all ears at listening session in Worcester

Senators all ears at listening session in Worcester
Priscila Espinosa of Clinton talks to state senators about about equal access to health care Wednesday at a Commonwealth Conversations forum in the Aaron Lazare Medical Research Building at UMass Medical School in Worcester. (T&G Staff/CHRISTINE HOCHKEPPEL)
 By Steven H. Foskett Jr. TELEGRAM & GAZETTE STAFF

WORCESTER — Residents and advocates representing a wide range of interests took the state Senate up on its offer to listen at UMass Medical School's Aaron Lazare Medical Research Building Wednesday night.

Billed as the Commonwealth Conversations tour, the stop in Worcester was helmed by state Sen. Harriette L. Chandler, who was recently named Senate majority leader.

The forum featured a table full of state senators, including Senate President Stanley Rosenberg, and state Sens. Anne M. Gobi, D-Spencer; Ryan C. Fattman, R-Webster; Michael O. Moore, D-Millbury, and Jamie Eldridge, D-Acton.

And true to their pledge to just listen, the legislators remained silent as speaker after speaker pleaded their case.

Shane Bradwell without a flinch announced he was a convicted felon. He urged legislators to support reforms to the criminal justice system that he says have made it hard for him to get beyond his incarceration.

"There are a lot of doors closed to me," Mr. Bradwell said. "It's tough for me to move forward."

He said he struggled after serving his time, but was able to learn how to paint. He said he now wants to start his own business, but has been unable to afford going through the process of getting a new driver's license.

Representatives from several organizations noted how they stand to be impacted by budget cuts, including Frances M. Anthes of Family Health Center, and Richard Shea of the Massachusetts Teachers Association, who said his group is worried about proposed cuts to kindergarten and preschool funding initiatives.

Local activist and anti-foreclosure advocate Grace Ross said Worcester was ahead of the curve years ago when it passed an ordinance requiring banks or owners of vacant properties to put down $5,000 bonds that would cover emergency repairs or board-ups when the city has to step in. She said the city has collected $4 million through the ordinance, but said the program is under legal threat. She urged the legislators to support anti-foreclosure measures.

Several people came forward to express concern over environmental issues, including Leigh Youngblood, executive director of the Mount Grace Land Conservation Trust, who said the Legislature should not support the construction of a natural gas pipeline in the northern part of the state.

Several speakers pushed for reforms in unemployment and job training. Several union representatives spoke against what they called the "underground economy," or the "lie, cheat and steal" economy, as David Minasian of the New England Carptenter's Union more bluntly called the practice of misclassifying employees as independent contractors.

Urban planning advocates and municipal officials attended, too. Jonathan Church of the Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission called for more investment in road and rail infrastructure.

He said beefing up funding for bicycling and walking improvements and reducing reliance on automobiles should be top legislative priorities.

Joseph Bellil of Holden, an executive with Easter Seals, said budget cuts will affect an important assistive technology program that serves people with severe disabilities.

He said this year is the 25th anniversary of the Americans With Disabilities Act, and said his organization's making a real push to promote employment of people who live with disabilities.

The Commonwealth Conversations sessions started last week, and will run through the end of March in locations across the state.

Contact Steven H. Foskett Jr. at

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