Sunday, February 15, 2015

Storm Clean Up Tips

Storm Clean Up Tips

As you clean up from the snow storm, here are some important tips to keep in mind:

• Help dig out fire hydrants in your neighborhood.
• Large amounts of heavy snow on roofs may lead to structural weaknesses or collapses in some cases. Safety and preparedness tips for dealing with snow on roofs may be found on MEMA’s website at:
• Be careful when shoveling snow. Over-exertion can bring on a heart attack – a major cause of death in the winter. Take frequent breaks.
• Clear exhaust vents from Direct Vent Gas Furnace Systems to avoid Carbon Monoxide (CO) poisoning. Also, never run an automobile until the exhaust pipe has been cleared of snow.
• Make sure emergency generators or secondary heating systems are well ventilated.
• Remember to shovel out your propane or oil tank in case you need a fuel delivery.
• Be aware of children playing in the streets, particularly climbing on or running out from behind large snowdrifts. Parents should remind their children to be aware of plowing operations and traffic.
• In the even of property damage from the storm, contact your insurer or agent ASAP. Document damage - photos, pictures, & notes help.
• Call 2-1-1 for non-emergency storm-related questions.
• Be a good neighbor. Check with elderly or relatives and neighbors who may need additional assistance to ensure their safety.

More After A Winter Storm tips:



  1. I just can't say enough good things about the guys on our Highway Department. They have done a super job with the dated equipment they are forced to use. I guess "dated" sounds a little bit better than "junk", but it is all the same. I don't think I have seen this much snow since I was a kid. I remember watching Walt. Lawrence's dad open the driveway for my mother with the town grader. My father was in the hospital again, at that time. One neighbor helping another !! You have to remember only three cars went by in a day, back then. As long as the road is open enough to get a fire truck or rescue to anyone that needs it, I think we are good to go. Bev.

  2. I just can't say enough good things about the guys on our Highway Department. They have done a super job with the dated equipment they are forced to use. I guess "dated" sounds a little bit better than "junk", but it is all the same. I don't think I have seen this much snow since I was a kid. I remember watching Walt. Lawrence's dad open the driveway for my mother with the town grader. My father was in the hospital again, at that time. One neighbor helping another !! You have to remember only three cars went by in a day, back then. As long as the road is open enough to get a fire truck or rescue to anyone that needs it, I think we are good to go. Bev.
