Saturday, February 14, 2015

Subcommittee Composition Raises Doubts

Subcommittee Composition Raises Doubts
Eryn Dion
News Staff Writer

TEMPLETON  A change in district policy gave selectmen pause last week, as members expressed concern over a revision that would give the Advisory Board, rather than selectmen, voting power within the Narragansett Regional School District’s Budget Sub-committee.

The adjustment was detailed in a Jan. 21 letter sent to selectmen asking that both towns in the district appoint one member of the Advisory Board to serve as a voting participant, although other town officials are welcome to attend discussions.

“While they encourage attendance by selectmen and other Advisory Board members, only the single appointed member will sit with the sub-committee and act in a voting capacity,” reads the letter signed by Superintendent Ruth Miller.

In previous years, Templeton and Phillipston were allowed multiple voting representatives from their respective select board and advisory boards/ finance committees.
Templeton officials were puzzled by the change, with Chairman Kenn Robinson noting that last year’s budget hearings were hardly controversial and were sparsely attended.

Selectman Diane Haley Brooks also argued that, if only one representative were to be given voting power, it should be a selectman rather than an Advisory Board member.

“We are elected and they are appointed,” she said. “We are the local body of the community.”

Mr. Robinson agreed, stating that the Board of Selectmen organizes and approves the warrant articles for Town Meeting — where financial decisions regarding the school district are voted upon.

The selectmen, in conjunction with the town administrator, are also responsible for producing the town’s budget.

Selectman Julie Farrell had already been appointed to sit on the subcommittee prior to the change.

With questions remaining over when the new policy was voted on and approved, no replacement was selected because the board wished to open the lines of communication with the School Committee.

The Budget Subcommittee is scheduled to meet each Tuesday night through February and into the first week of March, with budget hearings beginning on March 4 in the Kiva.

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