Tuesday, March 31, 2015

March 31, 2015 at 12:03 PM, huff posted "it just came out, Templeton has the 9th lowest tax rate out of 351 towns, that is the root cause of all problems."

So lets see, actually there are 351 total cities & Towns in Massachusetts
Templeton has a single property tax rate which means residential & Commercial property are taxed at the same rate; 2015 Templeton tax rate of $16.64 per $1000.00 of value.

I went to the DOR - dls or division of local services site and found the list of every city & town in Mass. I began at the top and looked for single rate Towns to see if the above statement was true; NOT!

Town                                                   Single Rate
Alford                                                  $  4.30
Arlington                                             $13.55
Ashfield                                               $15.97
Barnstable                                            $  9.30
Becket                                                  $10.45
Belmont                                               $12.90
Berkley                                                $13.91
Blandford                                             $15.44
Bourne                                                 $10.07
Boxford                                                $15.99
Brewster                                               $  8.26
Bridgewater                                          $16.24

I stopped there with 12 towns with lower tax rates than Templeton so it looks like huffy forgot to check the facts again!

Jeff Bennett


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. The list I checked had Templeton at #125 out of 351 (there were a few town were the rate was unknown)

  3. Bob M has left a new comment on your post "Tuesday, March 31, 2015 March 31, 2015 at 12:03 ...":

    Personally I could care less what the "tax rate" is because its the "tax bill" that requires my payment.

    My issue is the absolutely ridiculous increases I've been charged over the years.

    Examples below:

    my tax bills over the years............

    2012-------$4154 +15.4%
    2013-------$3289 -20.9%

    It was my understanding that Prop 2.5 was suppose to limit this insanity!

    On its service it looks like we just pull numbers out o four collective butts. In 2009 Templeton literally had my homes value at 200% of its present value and nothing has changed!

    This is not realistic for people in town. Am I going to be forced to fight my tax bills every single year, file abatement every single year?
