Friday, March 27, 2015

Templeton Board of Selectmen
                         Town Hall, 160 Patriots Road, East Templeton
                                     Monday, March 30, 2015, 6:30 p.m.
Amended Agenda

6:30 P.M. Call to Order

 Town Administrator Report 
 Action on Re-appointment of John Caplis, Veterans Services Director
 Action on Veterans Town ByLaws Warrant Article
 Fiscal Year 2016 Budget
 Annual Town Meeting Warrant
 Discuss Special Town Meeting & Warrant
 CDBG~Award Lead Paint Inspection Services Contract
 Discuss possible Warrant Article for consideration by the Board regarding the specification for trench construction & excavation within public ways
 Selectmen’s Comments


This is a meeting to attend and if the budget is posted to the Town's website, it will be something to look at. While attending the Advisory board meeting, it was pointed out that the draft copy showed an 11.2% drop in highway salary for FY2016 versus FY15. The Town meeting in May 2014 showed a FY15 highway salary budget amount of $273,950.00 while the same line item for FY16 showed the amount of $243,353.00 which is a drop except when you look at the line item fro highway admin. assistant with a salary of $30,597.00 which when added to the $243,353.00 = the same $273,950.00 which to me is just another shell game of trying to make it look like a reduction when in reality there is no change in the total salary for highway (that does not include the salary for Bud Chase nor the mechanic) I hope it is this is a draft and the numbers that are presented on Monday evening tell a different story but that is a reason to attend and pay attention. There were other questions and issues that came up and hopefully they will be answered on Monday.

Jeff Bennett

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