Sunday, April 26, 2015

Phillipston 2015 annual Town Meeting warrant
ARTICLE 10: To see if the Town will vote to authorize the following Revolving Accounts under Chapter 44, Section 53 E ½ of the General Laws for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2015: Account Revenue Source Purpose Authority to Spend Spending Limit
BOH Agent Application fees for Administration & BOH or $8,000


  1. many hours are your day? I get 24 hours.

    Office hours in Barre- Monday - 2pm - 8 pm; Tuesday 9 am - 5 pm; Wednesday 2 pm - 6 pm
    Office hours in Phillipston - Wednesday 9:30 am - 12:30 am ( a very long day!)
    Office hours in Petersham - Wednesday 6:00 - 7:00 pm
    Office hours in New Salem - just call Templeton
    Office hours in Royalston - just call Philip Leger R.S. Chair H-978-249-9410, C-617-584-9714
    Office hours in Templeton -7am to 3pm Monday-Wednesday & 7am to 2 pm on Thursday.

    Emergency number - 617-584-9714

    How about looking into that dumping of waste up at the TDC?

  2. So how does that time machine work Phil? You leave Templeton early or get to Barre late? Is it fair for you to double dip and collect from 2 towns at the same time? When listing the towns you work for in the article you forgot Templeton. WHY? A log book and time clock are needed at town hall more no\w than ever. A gps tracker to point out the travels.Phillipston and Templeton have overlap on hours also.
