Sunday, April 5, 2015


Recorder Staff

Wednesday, April 1, 2015
(Published in print: Thursday, April 2, 2015)

NORTHFIELD — And then there were two.
Two candidates remain in the search for a new superintendent of the Pioneer Valley Regional School District, now that two others have dropped out of the running.
The public will have a chance to meet the final candidate, Ruth Miller, at 6:30 tonight at Pioneer.
Miller is superintendent of Narragansett Regional School District, which serves Templeton and Phillipston. She’s held that position for three years, and was associate superintendent for three years before that. She has also served as principal for 10 years, and held other educational jobs for five years. Her district covers Templeton and Phillipston, with three elementary schools, a middle school and high school.
On Tuesday, the committee interviewed Francis Baran, superintendent of the Woodstock, Conn., public schools. Baran has been an educator for 42 years, including 12 years as superintendent, 18 years as principal and 12 years as a teacher. Her one-town district has an enrollment of 1,350 in three schools — a Pre-K-4 elementary school, grade 5-8 middle school and a high school.
Baran visited Pioneer schools before being an interview and meet-and-greet. Miller is scheduled to visit the district today before a 5:30 p.m. interview.
Douglas Dias, principal of Medway High School, is out of the running after he was offered a position as superintendent of the Williamstown-Lanesboro Public Schools. Another candidate was picked as a finalist, but withdrew and will not be named.
The School Committee considered 15 applicants before picking four finalists. Whoever is chosen will replace Dayle Doiron, who has worked in the district for 22 years, and became superintendent in 2008. Last fall, Doiron announced that she would leave at the end of the school year.
You can reach David Rainville at: or 413-772-0261, ext. 279 On Twitter, follow

Jeff Bennett


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. DO is STUPID has left a new comment on your post "By DAVID RAINVILLE Recorder Staff ":


  3. Dont you just love how these "managers" come in, receive a $105,000 salary run budgets that are out of control and then leave to go to another fertile spot to receive more pay for sitting atop a mountain of inefficiency and mismanagement.

    Could someone please take at least one administration out of our school system. I see no reason why we are spending $600,000 a year to get the management we have received.

    1. I hope Ms.Miller has checked to be sure this new school district has deep pockets, before she takes over. Any school district needs to require that their superintendent live in the town they work for. That would make the decisions made by the superintendent and the School Committee have a impact on her life and pocketbook, the same as the rest of the town. It is to easy to suck the town dry, and get in the car at the end of the day, to go home to another town or state, with out a care in the world. Don't let the door hit you, on your way out. Enough is enough. Bev.

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  5. Puffy, what part of "send your name to David" so you can be free to blog, don't you get ??

  6. Puffy, what part of "send your name to David" so you can be free to blog, don't you get ??

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. The email would be

  8. The email would be
