Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Candidates Night April 23, 2015 ...6 pm....Kamaloht


  1. Why do people run for office in a small town like ours ?? The good answer is because they care, about the quality of life for the residents of their town. Bad reasons, and there are plenty, Pushing someone else's agenda, making sure things do not change for the better. Remember our old friend Scrappy?? He was held hostage because he agreed to a deal to keep him out of the clink. I would have had more respect for him, if he had admitted to doing wrong. The fact someone could make a deal to cover their ass, at the expense of the people in this town is just plain wrong. Lets hope that does not ever happen again. If a candidate hasn't shown any interest in how things are going, and all of a sudden they are going to save our town, I would say they are full of hot air, and as far as I am concerned they can float away to some place else, and they do not deserve my vote or yours, but that is up to you. Bev.

    1. So if I get this correct, Bev, you don't think self- interest is a good reason to run for public office.

      Please support the candidate with no "conflicts of interest". That candidate is Julie Farrell!

      Julie Farrell's siblings don't work for the town of Templeton,
      Julie Farrell's siblings don't work the school department
      Julie Farrell's siblings don't work for nor are they employed at Templeton Municipal Light Department.

      FACTS !
      LAW !


  2. The things we really need to be focused on is people who are in positions around town that create conflicts of interests. I personally have problems with the Lawrances on the "health department", Moschetti's on the planning board.

    I mean these folks work for and with the very people they are sworn to regulate. The dealings in these areas are so intermingled that it is impossible to believe that "deals" and preferential treatment does not happen.

  3. Bob M
    Please state the case and point that you speak of .
    I for one , and only speak for myself have served my town on various boards and committees
    for years .
    Some appointed and one elected (planning board) and know full well when to step aside.
    Would you think that someone with no development experience at all ( probably such as yourself )
    Could serve the town better ?
    Your in luck , although I am running unopposed for another 5 year term , there is another position available with no one running at all . Why don't you get your ass off the couch and run a sticker campaign. You can sit right next to me and show me how to do my job . And when you ( KNOW) I did something wrong, you can tell the world !!! Good luck and I look forward to working with you , for the best interest of the town . Thanks Kirk

  4. Kirk brings up a good point Bob. There is a opening for a town resident for the ZBA board also. I would rather have a town resident on the board instead of one from Winchendon wouldn't you?
    If your interested let me know you have my email and i will help in any way i can.
    Years ago i found it hard to not get involved when i saw the treatment of selectmen at meetings from the Chairman SKELTON.
    Thanks "Gerry" i would still be on the couch to if not for you.
    Times have changed and the need to go back to the way it was is gone.
    Vote For Julie Farrell and continue with the progress already made.

    1. We have elected officials who show up for their meetings, and do just what is required. Yes people are busy, I get that, but on the other hand we have other officials who go the extra mile all of the time. Being a elected official requires a huge commitment, to do a good job, and watch out for their community. Are we going to agree with everything anyone does, most likely not, but the knowledge that they will always do their best for us is priceless.We need a good turnout to make sure Julie is reelected next month. She brings a great wealth of knowledge to the office, and will continue to do a great job for us. Please attend the Candidates Night, to night, and give Julie support. Bev.

  5. Is there any list showing the positions open and who is running for them? Thanks

  6. Jeanne,
    The Ballot will be posted shortly.

    1. I thought things went well last night. The Selectman's meeting brought the issue of how a town's government works, and how little young people understand about the process to light, once again. How often the young people would vote the school issues, and walk out of the room, leaving us older people to deal with the rest. How to run a town that has great needs, and very little money. The fact that some people do not know the difference from a debt exclusion, and a override. One is until the debt is paid, and the other is on your tax bill forever. Maybe it would help if the Templeton Municipal Light would contribute their fare share, as they should, then her tax bill would be a little lighter. Bev.
