Wednesday, April 29, 2015

FY 16 BOS Budget ...ATM Warrant

The link to the FY 16 Budget is a link to a googledoc. It will download best using the google chrome browser and then open the budget using Excel. 

The Advisory Board recommendations will be added once that information is available.



  1. I find it absolutely digusting that the warrant is non factual. The town employees have received a raise each and every year. The idea that they have not received a raise since 2011 is an ongoing halucination that is promoted by all administrators to justify unjustifiable raises.

    The town pays a portion of everyone insurance, which has increased each year. The idea that the town pays an additional 4-5% of insurance and not counting that as a "raise" is asinine. This tactic is used by all government administrations.

    We must include insurance rate increases paid for by the town as a "raise" for the purposes of employees. If we do not, then the town should not be paying any increases and they should be placed on employees.

    I know many people who would love to get a raise on top of insurance rate increases, but in the real world business owners realize that insurance increases are an employee benefit and relative to employee compensation,.

  2. Bob the facts as you put up here are not true. The facts are not all town workers take the insurance. What was the raise to them you talk of? In fact there are some so low on the pay scale they qualify for Mass health.So if not for that they would be without. Those who have no insurance benifits got zip for the last 4 years. You wouldn't believe me if i told you how low some are paid.Do you think anyone who has insurance thinks it's just the town who pays more every year. The match of 25% comes off the pay for the worker too. This year working with the town the hope is the town increase expected to be 8.9% will be reduced to 1.1% by plan changes and other means will allow the town to put the 2% raises people have needed to cover the past insurance increases. I look at it as smaller steps backward for the employees i speak for at union negotiations. I take pride working for the town i was raised in and think the town wants to take care of the help they have. We as voters need to support the town employees. Looking back over the years the tax rates have been far to low to support the town and with the big picture in clear view the fact is it wasn't just the tax rates to low.
