Wednesday, April 29, 2015

OML Complaint

OML Complaint
What part of "appointments" don't you get?
Jen Belleveau, TMLWP employee and sibling of a BOS candidate, had her sister drop off the following Open Meeting Law complaint:

Vote FARRELL on May 4th !


  1. With siblings at the Light and Water Palace it would appear that this candidate for selectmen is a love child from The Red Barn and you can expect more of the same. Another self interest candidate for selectmen is not what our town needs. I am voting Farrell for Selectmen and hope you do also.

  2. So were down to the two followers. When they look as bad as they do the red barn crowd seem to find a way to push someone else in the way. Guess thats what the big pay raises get them for year after year. Who will joint the show next.
    And when the question about the rise in taxes over the last 10 years was asked by this complaintant one would have to think she can't think for herself. How could anyone not know about the overuse of all the free cash and stabilization money by her ex boss and crew. Does she not know her department does not pay in taxes like they have for 100 years they stopped to punish the town she has to pay taxes in ? BOO HOO.Ethics tests had to be done by her and all other town employees. She may want to review the test she took so to not fall into a trap like Dennis Obrien did. Just my opinion and offer to save herself some money she needs for taxes.
    Vote for a Selectmen who Knows how to be one.

  3. All of the years the younger people walked out the door of the Annual Town Meeting, right after the School budget was voted on, and this girl asks why her taxes have increased ?? I do believe she was throwing the blame toward the Selectmen, until it was pointed out that the residents of this town were the people who said yea or nay. The majority are the reason things get done or not. To the young lady running for Selectman, where is the money coming from to fix the roads ?? I would guess Bud and the guys would be out there right now if the money was there. Are you going to raid some other budget, to find the money ?? Too late !! Money that was there is long gone. How else did the town make it from 2005 to 2012 before it hit the skids. With no industry to contribute money to the tax base, and Templeton Light and Water not contributing their share, all the money spent in Town Budgets is going to come out of our pockets. If you want a voice in how the Town runs, show up for Town Meeting, and please don't forget to vote of Julie Farrell. Julie Farrell has the knowledge and commitment to continue to work for the people in our community. Ms. Farrell donates her free time working to make this town a better place to live. Our Town has been through the very worse of times, and things are getting better. This is not the time to put another inexperienced person on the most important board in town. Vote Julie Farrell. Bev.
