Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Public Hearing to Discontinue Roads

Public Hearing to Discontinue Roads

Last night the Planning Board held a hearing to discuss a warrant article to discontinue roads at the former Templeton Developmental Center. Some residents attended the meeting and voiced their concerns, both pro and con for discontinuing Freight Shed Road, Elliot Hill Rd, Hill Rd among other roads within the area owned and controlled by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

It is still unclear IF Templeton owns these roads. What is clear is that Templeton does does NOT have the resources to plow or to maintain these roads. The infrastructure under these roads has been allowed to fall into disrepair and would conservatively cost millions to bring up to acceptable standards.

I'd like to publicly thank the Planning for their vote to ask town meeting to discontinue these roads IF we own them.

My opinion...supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell

Vote FARRELL on May 4th!

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