Friday, April 10, 2015

Same situation, different shoes and now we need an outfit to match!

Some people may be rejoicing and others may be thinking good bye and don't let the door hit ya......, but, what now?  Attending a recent meeting of the school committee, it was discussed they (district) were advertising for a special education director, a principle for the high school and now a superintendent. So now the shoes are on the feet of the school committee and we will see how they go. My hopes are the committee would and will think of the Town, of which they reside in, and will work on some consolidation of administration, and please do not tell me or anyone who will listen that it cannot be done. That is what was said about using the building in the eastern part of Templeton for a Town hall!. I believe this would go a long way in mending fences so the people of Templeton could and will get behind the school system. Hopefully the committee will take things like this into account as they search for a new superintendent. Templeton and Phillipston need a superintendent that will not only think of the school system, but also of the people whom that person will serve, the residents, voters and taxpayers of each community. Look out for the school district yes, but also consider and concern yourself with the Towns as well, otherwise I think you will never get anything done, especially a new school. I think a new superintendent should come in, have the thought, the will and the moxie to bring up the subject of the new elementary school and suggest we pull the plug, for now. Go to the residents, taxpayers and voters and then MSBA and tell all the project is on hold for three years. In this time, we get the finances of Templeton straight, we get a proper site secured, we get both communities on board and then we pick up the plan where we left off and complete it. One thing for sure is the school committee seems to be up against the clock to get a superintendent in place before the beginning of the next school year and good luck with that one.  Perhaps they will do the superintendent as they are doing the high school principle, an interim one while they do a careful and thoughtful search for the next fulltime superintendent.

Jeff Bennett


  1. The town administration has my full support and vote to downsize the administration in our Middle/High school. It's insulting that we are required to pay Hundred of thousands of dollars for unqualified administrators.
    I dont know why anyone feels that ex coaches make great administrators. Our school system is a multi million dollars business and its run by who?

    1. When I went to Templeton Center School, the principal also taught classes. What was wrong with that concept ? Having two principals at NRHS is beyond crazy. Is there a line on the floor that each can not cross ?? There must be otherwise they would run into each other because the school is not all that big. Bart and I rode by a school he attended in Leominster. The Priest Street School is not new by any means. I never heard the crying about the need for new, from the people in Leominster. Why was that? Maybe it is because schools do not teach, teachers teach, or at least they should, be it in a tent or in a fancy new or old building. I agree with what Jeff has written 100%. The town and the School district needs to get it's act together, so the people in this town can feel confident there is a plan that makes sense, not grabbing at anything that will do in a pinch. Our Town Hall is a monument to what hard work and dedication will do to make things happen. Thank you very much Ms. Miller, that building was not good enough to be used as a school, but it serves the purpose as a town hall very well. Bev.
