Thursday, April 2, 2015

Town can ill afford price hike

Town can ill afford price hike
Exploring options while facing STEEP HEALTH insurance increase
Eryn Dion
News Staff Writer

TEMPLETON A projected 8.9 percent increase to the town’s health insurance costs has officials evaluating their options in an effort to save money and provide quality coverage for employees.

The unprecedented jump in insurance costs, coupled with a proposed $266,000 hike in the Narragansett Regional School District’s assessment for the next fiscal year, could take up any extra wiggle room in the fiscal 2016 budget, said interim Town Administrator Bob Markel.

“It could very well happen that two line items in the budget — the school increase and health insurance — could consume all the money we have for the coming fiscal year,” Mr. Markel told selectmen.

The administrator’s preliminary budget presentation contained about $360,000 in unallocated funds that were to be used for a so-called “add back list” made up of requests made by department heads on initiatives they would like to see moving forward.

Items such as 2 percent raises for town employees and an additional Highway Department employee were tapped as high priorities by selectmen, but with the additional health insurance cost and school assessment, that list may no longer be possible.

“These aren’t luxuries,” chairman Kenn Robinson commented. “These are salary and wage increases. To think that $58,000 might have to come off the table just so we can pay for two line items.”

The town has several options, Mr. Markel said, including negotiations with Blue Cross Blue Shield to “tweak” their plan into something more affordable, as well as soliciting bids from other carriers and changing the premium split between the town and employees. Officials could also push workers into the state’s Group Insurance Commission plan, although Mr. Markel conceded that course of action would be “strongly opposed” by employees.

“At a time when wages have been flat for several years, reducing that benefit would not sit well,” the administrator said. “I can appreciate that.”

In the next week, Mr. Markel said he will be meeting with the town’s current provider to go over any cost-saving recommendations available. He will then have a consultant come in with what the administrator hopes will be competitive bids from other insurance networks. A final decision, he said, will come around mid-May.

While the town is still financially vulnerable, Selectman Diane Haley Brooks noted that throughout the negotiation and bid process it is critical to keep the workers’ best interests in mind, and that of the town as well.

“The bottom line can’t always be money. It just can’t be,” she said. “It’s important to look at all of it.”


  1. After a meeting with the public/employees our MIIA rep for the Blue cross health insurance has shown ways to reduce the increases to 3% and with other ideas floated that may remove any increase to the premiums this year. There are ways to work with providers and this starts with the people they insure.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. If you look at the turnover of help and the reasons for it being the pay scales you would be worse off if the insurance was no longer a 75/25 benefit or the cost to employees went up for them as well year after year. To retain the help we have Templeton has to pay wages other towns already do. Just look at the amount of the Light and water pays vs. the rest of the town employees minus the schhools of course.
    Bob M thats smart please email me or removals will continue.

  4. We spend a lot of money on our schools. What are we getting with Common Core?

    Common Core education: the insane bottom line

    By Jon Rappoport
    April 3, 2015

    "In a tightly controlled setting, subjecting a young child to cognitive dissonance amounts to mind control." The Underground, Jon Rappoport

    For the sake of my argument here, I'm putting aside the fact that public education belongs under the purview of the states and not the federal government.

    This article is about how the federal government decided Common Core would succeed.

    I'm not going to recite brain-numbing examples of teaching basic math to very young children, under the Common Core system. Suffice it to say, I can add 9 and 6 and come up with the right answer. And I know why 9 and 6 equals 15. I don't need Boolean algebra or set theory or a base-10 system to understand why addition works.

    The bottom line on Common Core was articulated by Diane Ravitch in her 2013 book, Reign of Error. Ravitch writes:

    "...these new [Common Core] standards had never been field-tested anywhere. No one can say with certainty whether the Common Core standards will improve education, whether they will reduce or increase achievement gaps among different groups, or how much it will cost to implement them. Some scholars believe they [Common Core standards] will make no difference, and some critics say they will cost billions to implement; others say they will lead to more testing."

    In short, whatever else Common Core is, it is an experimental hypothesis. It has never been field-tested.

    No one knew how well it would work when it was proposed, implemented, and accepted. No one knows now. problem. Let's try it out on millions of American school children...and let's pretend we're sure, in advance, that it will be a success.

    This is like saying, "Better dentistry can be achieved by pulling 14 teeth from every teenager. Let's implement and fund this program at the federal level and bribe dentists by assuring them they'll be reimbursed for their efforts. This is the new health-plan for teeth in America. We don't need to do studies. We don't need to do clinical trials. Because we desire better dentistry, we know we'll get it. Our intentions are all the proof we need."

  5. The extreme irrationality of this approach to education should be taught, in schools, as a prime example of non-logic and non-application of the scientific method.

    I would teach it in the eighth grade. I'm quite sure students would catch on right away:

    "You mean this is how the government decided our new education would be a good thing? With no proof? Just some weird claims? Wow. How can I get out of the system?"

    A group of abstract thinkers got together and decided they knew, from the top of their mountain view, that Common Core would succeed.

    Well, that's part of what "abstract" means, when you're talking about mass programming.

    No reason to test a hypothesis. Common Core is a "self-evident truth."

    How nice. For them.

    Nice work if you can get it.

    "Your job is to come up with an education plan that will replace the old plan. Explain it and float it on the basis that 'uniform and across-the-board standards are always better than patchwork standards.' People respond positively to the term 'uniform'. Talk about failures of the old plan. You'll be fine. Sound authoritative."

    That, in a nutshell, is Common Core.

    "Well, when you have thousands of police forces in towns and cities across the land, the result is a wide variance in enforcement methods. That's unacceptable. We need one national police force operating according to one standard plan."

    Surprisingly (or unsurprisingly), many people like that idea. They automatically assume one top-down force is better than many smaller forces. They believe "top-down" equals "fair."

    How quaint. How delightful. How trusting.

    Let's move along to the next phase of Common Core: deciding in 10 or 20 years how well it's working.

    I can't wait for that.

    On what basis will the federal assessment be written? If it's written at all?

    "College readiness" of the student seems to be the official acid test for how well Common Core works.

    Which college? Podunk Junior Community College, where every applicant who can breathe on a mirror and produce fog is accepted? Harvard?

    Some state college that exists on federal money is going to say, "Common Core is an abject failure and the federal idiots who put it together should be given prison terms"?

    With Common Core, we have an experimental hypothesis that was never tested in the field; and later on, we will have an assessment of its success based on standards loose enough to allow any conclusion under the sun---especially a conclusion that supports the program, which by that time will be too big to fail.

  6. Perfect.

    Finally, judging from the overwrought abstract methods of math instruction for very young Common Core students, I predict the following:

    Basic strategies of mind control will have an exceptionally deleterious effect on those children. The basic strategies involve a) a captive audience, b) compulsory learning, c) purposely making simple factors quite complex, and thereby d) inducing a state of confusion on both an intellectual and emotional level.

    Thus manufacturing extreme cognitive dissonance. The experimental subjects (children) will become highly resentful, quiescent, desperate.

    Ideal candidates for psychiatric diagnoses and drugging with toxic compounds.

    In fact, the failure of Common Core will be laid at the door of "the rising tide of mental illness in America."

    Underneath it all, these grown children will be walking powder kegs. They will bring chaos in ways people are afraid to imagine.

    If you think I'm exaggerating, I can only say I was once a schoolteacher, and I had a number of those students in my classrooms. They'd been subjected to earlier, less powerful forms of cognitive dissonance, and they were a mess, to put it mildly. A few of them were on their way to becoming career criminals.

    Common Core is a much heavier version of cognitive dissonance, and its effects will reverberate at deeper emotional levels.


  7. I say, if you possibly can, bring your children home and school them there. Awaken their bright minds. Show them they are competent. Teach them logic. Encourage their natural curiosity and their creative power. Foster their independence. Then they will be able to deal with the world and its contradictions and dissonances from a position of strength---instead of struggling as its victims.

    Don't permit them to become Common Core's test guinea pigs.

    In one of the first interviews I did with retired propaganda operative Ellis Medavoy (pseudonym), in 1999, he told me: "You need to understand that propaganda has a number of objectives. It's not always about planting false ideas in people's minds. Sometimes it's about giving them contradictory data, or data that will set up a confusion and leave them hanging, unable to figure out what the storyline is. They expect something rational, and you give them something that makes no sense. You leave them in a swamp. You do that enough times and people will experience actual pain. And they'll feel stupid."

    I then asked Medavoy if this approach could be applied to education in schools.

    "Of course," he said. "Remember something called the New Math? It was introduced into schools in the 1960s. It was based on a branch of logic called set theory. Simple arithmetic was translated into that complex garble. An easy problem or arithmetical calculation suddenly became bizarre and often incomprehensible. 'Boiling water' suddenly became a seventeen-step process for PhD candidates---only you were dealing with seven-year olds. The New Math was a trap for young minds. A maze. Once you're in it, you can't get out. You don't know where you're going. Every day, new confusions are added to old confusions. Right out there in the open, this was a program of brainwashing. The goal wasn't planting falsehoods. Under the guise of teaching logic and critical thinking, the goal was mass confusion. Young minds want answers. If you keep denying them those answers, you induce chaos. You pour chaos into what would otherwise be a straightforward process. You demean thinking. You make children believe thinking has no purpose. Do you see? Do your see what that achieves? Schools become factories for insanity. Most people just don't get this. They don't see that inducing confusion is a tactic, a weapon. It's powerful. There should be a whole branch of college learning called Confusion Studies. How it's done. How it's manufactured. How it's used. You could revolutionize higher learning with that. You could clear away tons of garbage. You could wake people up to what has been done to them. You could eventually change society for the better. That's why colleges don't teach students this subject. Too many of their courses are run by professors who make their living through delivering sophistry. I'm here to tell you that some of this is quite, quite intentional. It isn't just business as usual. It's a psychological operation."

  8. Jon Rappoport The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at and OutsideTheRealityMachine.

  9. Bob M has left a new comment on your post "Town can ill afford price hike":

    Ok, I know this may not be what town employees want to hear, but insurance coverage is an pay increase. An 8.9% increase in health insurance is being covered at least in part by teh town. On top of this they want another 2% cash increase. Even though I understand the want, it is not a reasonable request.

    I'm so sick of hearing about pay increases being "flat" yet every year we are paying more and more for town employees health care. These ARE raises! If you disagree that they are raises, then let the town allot "X" money for health insurance and the employees can get there own.

    How come none of the "options" mention reining in the SCHOOL system that is killing this town. We have glorified gym coaches running million dollar budgets. We pay over 400K for principal and vice principals in the Middle/High school. Can't we have one administration in the building? Do we not have any say in this matter? If not we seriously need to think about alternatives because these yearly increases above 2.5% are not going to keep going before I and many other with our backs against the wall based solely on real estate taxes are going to revolt!
