Saturday, June 20, 2015

It's all about the PROFITS and contractors do more of that.Same goes for the TMLWP and the lawyers they employ for the guidance to fight the town. The Highway on the other hand has a limited fund to do what the town as a whole needs. Multipal projects once needed contractors and now don't. If i were a contractor i would be miffed too. The highway has saved this town a plie of money and made projects possible we would not be able to afford otherwise. Thank you for the note Brad
Your question about the hole was on a specific day and it was answered with accuracy. Boots yes,why not? We ruin them for the town getting in and out to load our own trucks when we step into salt water.Steel toe boots keep foot injuries from being a large financial burden to the town and the department. We get the go ahead on the vault dig from the low bid CONTRACTOR who is doing the build. While were at it may you answer any of mine? Your wrong again about the backhoe in that hole.Did bud tell anyone how much money the town makes plowing the schools? You did not answer the question.
“It’s a better use of equipment and it is less money going to outside contractors,”
A better thought would be no money going to outside contractors

When was the last override or debt exclusion that past at both Town meeting and the ballot box for any equipment for the highway dept.? Perhaps Dave Smart can answer that one. I know there was a new 2007 truck bought but I am not sure if any other thing got approved besides the new loader which was bought of the only funds really available to use to repair the roads. And yes there are other things that chapter 90 money can be used for but it is usually where the money comes from to do any improvements on the roads. So when the votes don't come in for highway, the highway boss goes to the selectmen and asks them for chapter 90 funds and if that is approved, I have to wonder if that pisses off the voters / taxpayers? Could that be why the things for highway continue to fail? Perhaps it comes from people driving by the highway dept. and they see all the equipment outside, rusted up, and the thought is why give them anything else when they do not take care of what they have!

Then there is that pesky little bill the Town now has of over 100 thousand dollars for snow & ice and after the selectmen voted to allow highway to deficit spend, highway bought a plow and a snow blower head and I heard of that at a budget meeting of the advisory board. So first highway ignores the wish of the voters and uses chapter 90 money to buy a loader, then they take the charge account and buy more equipment so now we have a debt to decide on how to pay.

Then there is highway spokesman Dave Smart writing about all outside contractors are looking for is profits and Dave says no money to outside contractors (not sure who will repin and bush the next town loader that needs it) and then there is the ole "boots, sure, why not, we ruin them for the Town" and right now the Town is paying for new ones. My personal work boots ($50.00 Walmart specials) are on the fifth year, in the grease, oil, snow, climbing on salt spreaders, filling liquid calcium tanks and still I have the same pair for 5 years, partly because they are still good and partly because I have to replace them out of my pocket. Maybe the money for highway does not pass because of the apparent entitlement attitude of Dave Smart, maybe those contractors who live in Templeton who go out and bust their ass to make a living and pay taxes so Dave Smart can have a job and have free boots are tired of that along with seeing good equipment allowed to rust away!

Of course, just for the record, as usual, the above is my opinion.

Jeff Bennett

and if you do not wish to deal with the fluoride effects on Dave Smart, you can follow Jeff Bennett on facebook.


  1. I think if you check the 2007 was also purchased with chapter 90. Funds for roads was asked for and voted down for a override so do we not do any road work if that was voted down? My boot allowances are part of the agreement and keep my feet safe for the town to count on me to be able to work any lenght of time in the winter as needed. We don't get to sit under Rte 2 overpass for hours at a time like we all see the contractors do. I like the story about your 50 specials.Ive tried them and would only last 2 - 3 months. Must be what they have to go through and i do weigh a tad more. So to compare a chipawa boot to a wallmart special is like you and the backhoe thing. I value my feet and the commitment to the town for the safety we provide. To treat our feet with disregard with junk 50$ rubber boots is not what the people in Templeton deserve. If we spent more on the highway areas we use from chapter 90 we could have a tar area where we enter and exit when we load our own trucks. JEFF BENNETT has been a little bit on the hunt for issues that don't exist at the highway dept. To JEFF BENNETT all to do with the highway dept or DAVE SMART are a little personal in MY opinion.
    Come to your own conclusion but if you want to know the whole story just ask.
    Then there is that pesky little bill the Town now has of over 100 thousand dollars for snow & ice and after the selectmen voted to allow highway to deficit spend, Jeff would you just wait to let the snow melt?
    So after the town voted down the road money to fix roads with WE fixed roads.
    WOW almost like the loader and the truck and the snow removal.
    I hope the facebook thing people follow doesn't sound like this Broken Record does.
    How will the kids get to the 85,000.00 dollar platground we can't afford to pay for without the sidewalks cleared.
    JEFF BENNETT would think we could shovel them by hand in our new boots.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. WOW JEFF BENNETT : I think the age of your boots is going to your head.
    Flouride effects, I thought there were no problems and that was just a issue brought out by Pete Farrell.
    Could the facts there also be getting snuffed out by private contractors profits?
    Some contractors are great and some are greedy. They know who they are and have to live with what they do for what they get.So follow JEFF BENNETT on FACEBOOK and get the story there if you want that one .
    Best bet is to go and hear for yourself at the selectmen meetings. Not many care to attend anymore.
    We now only hear the story told 1 or 2 times not like when we had JEFF BENNET as chair.
