Wednesday, June 24, 2015

School Funding Document Compiled by Bernard Heaney

This document was available at the Annual Town Meeting-
Facts are stubborn, but statistics are more pliable.


  1. So why wouldn't the Gardner new print this for Bernie. Is the Gardner news bias? Do the people in town feel ok when the real facts are put in front of them about how we are so called "under effort".Does the Gardner news print only what they want and not the facts? Do they do follow ups like this and point out bad reportings? With all the extra charges for things the students do and have most parents should know the facts. Read this before the next time you vote to give more money.With a population shrinking do we need a school for a larger population or a smaller one.
    Phillipston should have the facts like we do and without this blog they wouldn't.

  2. It does seem to me that the job of a news paper is to print what was said at any meeting, and the job of the reporter is to report what was said to the best of their ability, with out adding or subtracting content. It is up to the person giving the information to the public to be truthful, and if not suffer the consequences. Why the Gardner News has chose not to print what Bernie has presented is beyond me. He has put his name on the line. He is telling the public that his reputation is on the line with the information he has asked to be printed and he is giving us what he knows is true. The reporters that The Gardner News have working for them, are more professional in their reporting, and that is a big improvement over the reporting in the past, but that is my opinion. The people in this town have the right to know the truth, even if it hurts. How much is enough ? It seems that no matter how much we gave it was never enough, and that did bother me. It is my opinion that this School Building Committee has botched this job. Starting way back when they paid 230,000. to some guy to find land, with no results. Templeton Center is their choice, because they have no other option, an act of desperation to say the least. With the money blown away, the schools we have could have been brought up to date and maybe that is the only option that makes sense. Bev..
