Sunday, July 19, 2015

Bright Idea Could Save Money For Westminster

Bright Idea Could Save Money For Westminster
Rebecca Leonard

WESTMINSTER – Selectmen discussed the idea of using solar power to save the town money at their meeting on Monday.

Westminster Energy Advisory Committee member Doug Hurley gave a presentation on the benefits of going solar.

“There are definitely two, maybe three opportunities we have,” said Mr. Hurley.

Two solar companies have offered the committee prices for a 20-year contract for energy used in town buildings as well as some private residents and businesses in town.

Selectman Wayne Walker voiced his hesitations about a full 20-year term, asking if there was any way to have a shorter contract. Mr. Hurley explained that a shorter contract wasn’t offered with either company.

The board voiced concerns over the probability of the price of electricity dropping drastically during the 20-year term.

“I’m very sure that won’t happen. The way to look at it is ‘Is the price they’re offering a better deal than what we’re paying now,’ ” Mr. Hurley suggested.

According to Mr. Hurley, the town currently pays about $140,000 in electricity and the town wouldn’t have to pay any costs up front to build the new solar farm.

The price that the companies offered was not revealed but Mr. Hurley assured the board that it is less than what the town is paying now.

Along with Westminster, there are multiple towns that would need to agree to one of the companies’ contracts to make the revenue they would be looking for.

Mr. Hurley also explained solar net metering, a billing system that credits back unused energy to owners that have solar panels on their rooftops.

Selectman Chairman John Fairbanks explained that solar energy for pump stations, such as the Sewer Department, would need to be discussed and that the Department of Public Works would need to get involved.

The meeting ended with the agreement to discuss the matter with the DPW present. The DPW is scheduled to be at the next meeting on July 20.

1 comment:

  1. Westminster Energy Advisory Committee or how about a Templeton Energy Advisory Commission.
    Templeton could use a better thought out plan for the town as a whole. In the past it's been all for and about the TMLWP best interests. Time has shown a lack of help for the rest of Templeton. This needs to change ASAP.
    What have any of the deals for power done for the ratepayers or the town?
    Raised not lowered the rates!!!
