Sunday, July 5, 2015

From the Fire Chief

Fire Update from Chief LaPorte

The members of the Templeton Fire Department are sending good thoughts for a speedy recovery to those hurt in the fire yesterday on North Main St. We are very thankful for all of the help afforded us. With difficult budget cuts, none of us can do it alone. I would like to thank Gardner, Hubbardston, Winchendon, Westminster, and Royalston Fire Departments, The Templeton regional Dispatch, Templeton, Phillipston, and Mass State Police Departments, and the Templeton Emergency Management CERT team for all of your collective help. It was greatly appreciated. To the members of the media I would like to say thank you for your respect and professionalism. To the neighbors I can only say thank you for all of the comfort you so graciously gave the owner of the property through the loss of home and dog. You are all part of a wonderful extended community, and I thank you all.

1 comment:

  1. It takes a lot of guts to fight a raging fire. Thank goodness these men are willing to do just that. The people in the Town of Templeton are very fortunate to have a super Fire Chief Ray LaPorte, who leads a group of very capable men and women that we can depend on. Thank you from me for one, and I know I am not alone. Bev.
