Sunday, July 5, 2015

Hearing Scheduled For Cable Contract

Hearing Scheduled For Cable Contract
Eryn Dion
News Staff Writer

TEMPLETON  Preparations for upcoming negotiations with Comcast are moving forward, with Cable Advisory Board Chairman Steve Castle scheduling a public hearing for July 20 to gather input from residents and department heads about the future of the town’s cable station.

Templeton’s 10-year contract with the cable company expires on Dec. 22, and Mr. Castle said he will spend the next six months assessing the town’s wants and needs, creating a comprehensive list ahead of formal discussions with the corporation.

“Part of this process is to hear from the public,” he said.

Funding to maintain the town’s cable station comes from franchise fees taken out of every cable bill. The Cable Advisory Board can claim up to 5 percent of each bill, although the current rate is about 2 percent. In the town’s next contract, Mr. Castle plans to ask for a slight increase to those franchise fees, enough to allow for expanded programming, the creation of a new studio, and a new station manager position.

Expanded programming, Mr. Castle argued, would give local musicians, artisans and craftsmen a chance to host their own programs, showcasing what Templeton has to offer. More meetings could be filmed and shown on television, town notices could be revamped and the station could have a larger presence in the middle and high schools.

“One of the best parts of getting more funding is helping the school produce more vibrant programming for video production,” Mr. Castle said. “Kids have their iPhones and they’re taking video all the time. We’re talking about pieces of equipment where they can take that video and upload it somewhere and maybe get into video production.”

More funding would also allow for the creation of a proper recording studio, which Mr. Castle said could prove to be a technological asset to the town as the industry moves away from cable and toward online streaming.

“We would be building a space that’s flexible,” he said. “It would be an investment in technology for the future.”

In previous meetings, Mr. Castle discussed applying for 501c3 nonprofit status for the cable station — a fairly common designation among cable committees — although that process will likely be pushed off until contract talks are complete.

1 comment:

  1. At a previous meeting Mr. Castle said he was willing to work for the town a rate he proposed was for 50.00 per hour and a 20 hour week. 1,000.00 per week part time. He has worked hard for free for us and will require more time as he works out a deal.Templeton should look to require a split amount from phillipston if the district plans on getting tax payer money to fund the equipment for the school use. How much we take in now and the total after this increase should be known. We can not afford another new department budget now.
