Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Help Rebury "Zombie" Cybersecurity Bill Under Thousands of E-Faxes Now!‏

Help Rebury "Zombie" Cybersecurity Bill Under Thousands of E-Faxes Now!‏

Help Rebury "Zombie" Cybersecurity Bill Under Thousands of E-Faxes Now!

It’s back to the “barricades” for librarians and our many civil liberties coalition allies. Just over a year ago, District Dispatch sounded the alarm about the return of privacy-hostile “cybersecurity” or “information sharing” legislation.

Again dubbed a “zombie” for its ability to rise from the legislative dead, the current version of the bill (S. 754) goes by the innocuous name of the “Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act” . . . but “CISA” is anything but.  As detailed on District Dispatch, not only won’t it be effective as advertised in thwarting cyber-attacks, but it de facto grants broad new mass data collection powers to many federal, as well as state and even local, government agencies! Though it hasn’t had a single public hearing, Senate Majority Leader McConnell is pushing hard to pass CISA in the next few days before the Senate breaks for the August recess.

With all of its defects and dangers, it’s no wonder that CISA’s been labelled a “zombie!” Now it’s time for librarians to rise again, too . . . to the challenge of once more stopping CISA in its tracks. This time around, ALA has partnered with more than a dozen other national groups to fight back in a way so old it's novel again: sending Senate offices thousands . . . of faxes.

Join this retro campaign to protect the future of your privacy by delivering a brief pre-written message as a fax with just a single mouse click (no fax machine required) at!

Together we can stop CISA one more time, but votes could happen anytime now.  Please act today!

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