Wednesday, July 15, 2015

If you live in Templeton, consider this;
When seconds count, you will be glad to know that on Monday, July 13, 2015, early in the afternoon, your ambulance with 4 individuals in uniform was parked for a period of time at Wendy's in Gardner.

While at Town hall to attend a meeting, I observed the posted office hours on the door to the selectmen's office to be Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday - 7:00 am to 3:00 pm and Thursday - 8:00 am to 3:00 pm which seems to be 31 hours, with a three day weekend along with a Monday off with pay for the 4th of July which was on Thursday!

While waiting for the sales pitch for a new school, you may wish to do some math and some checking: after asking a question and looking at DOR web site, it seems that in Templeton, under the current valuations, one dollar added to the present tax rate would raise $552,836.00 and after considering the 50 million dollar figure for a new school, I took 50 million and divided it by 30 years and my calculator showed $1,666,666.67 which seems to indicate for Templeton taxpayers, you would have to increase your present tax rate approximately $3.00 to pay back 50 million in 30 years and that does not include any finance charge. This is also a revaluation year for Templeton so property values could go up or down a bit but it seems it will be a pretty substantial increase in the tax rate. I hope people ask about this and this information is put out honestly because it is now the middle of July and talk of a vote by December is fast approaching.

So contact the fire dept., go into town hall and check it out for your self and break out your calculator. You can contact the Assessors office to check on the tax rate.

If you go to Town hall and you are told those are hours open to the public, well go to Town hall at 3 pm and see who is there, knock on a door. Better yet, ask if they are there to serve the public, why would the offices not be open to the public all of the time.

Jeff Bennett


  1. I think the amount to be paid back would be only a portion of the 50 mil. Wasn't the last amount 60/40 for the cost to the town and the amount to raise the taxes would be much lower?

    1. No project of this kind ever comes in at the original price. After a number of change orders, the price will go up. It never goes down. Is Wellington Road big enough to handle the traffic increase ? I think it is not, and as far as I know this potential problem has not even been looked at. From what I understand MSBA was not thrilled with the size of the lot, the Town has planned to use. They consider it to be to small. No kidding ! Three stories is no longer legal, so how does this plan, or lack of one, even work ? Will we be done with this project, only to be told the school is not big enough ?? We as taxpayers can not go into this project blind, the cost is just to great. Bev.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Right now, Templeton and Phillipston provide funds to pay debt of the district. The district then receives money back from MSBA and feel free to check but I do not believe any of that money comes back to either town which means the district collects twice, in my opinion.

  3. just maybe the person in the back had the munchies on the way to Heywood ??

  4. Tell that to the person who needs an ambulance in Templeton while it is parked at Wendy's. When life is in danger, seconds count.
