Thursday, July 23, 2015

Pre Town Meeting...Tonight

Pre-Town Meeting...Tonight



  1. As usual, the only people to show up besides the people on the Advisory Board were Carol Garvey and Julie Farrell. It is to bad no one from the Sewer Commissioners or Cook Pond Estates bothered to come, as there are questions that need to be answered, as far as I can see. The last line of the Article bothers me. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate or transfer from available funds, a sum of money for such purpose; or take any other action related thereto.
    What money, like from what account ? How much ? Who is going to take the deed restrictions off these parcels ? Has everyone in the development agreed to this plan ? How much money has been put away for repairs to the system ? Do the people asking for this change have documentation listing the repairs, or dates of maintenance preformed to date ? Can the funds set aside for repairs be used by the residents to pay for the deed changes ? Has everyone paid up to date. I do not think it is unreasonable to ask these questions and expect a answer before putting the Sewer Department and the Town on the hook for the responsibility of this system. Has anyone else have any questions ? This blog is for you the residents and taxpayers of our Town of Templeton, so feel free to ask or comment. Bev.

    1. After promising not to ever return to this irrelevent blog since the administrators started censoring it, I am going to break my promise this one time only. I was informed off-line about the pointless, mindless, misleading, inflammatory and just plain stupid comments made by a certain blogger, who has something to say about everything.
      Every single alleged “issue” that was brought up has been discussed and/or acted upon at several recent sewer department meetings.
      The Cook Pond residents have done all the legal necessities to dissolve the homeowners association and relinquish control of “all things sewer”. Their lawyer has addressed deed issues. The engineering firm has blessed the pump station sans a couple of minor issues such as a broken light switch. The land transfer will cost $1 (I will donate the dollar if you feel the town can’t afford it.) The pump station was designed and installed per Kent Songer’s specs. This situation is no different than any other developer installed pump station in town. The residents have paid for everything and simply having the sewer department accept the pump is not a new precedent. Those residents are paying double. They pay the sewer betterment, the quarterly sewer bills, plus the cost to maintain the pump station. You talk about fairness, how would you feel if you had to pay all that?
      If BevBart had simply picked up the telephone and inquired about her reservations or attended a sewer department meeting, all the concerns could have been addressed instead of running her pie hole all over the internet. If this is how “concerns” are expressed it’s no wonder there isn’t any cooperation from the Light and Water department.
      And by the say BevBart, You really need to take a course in grammar and spelling. J
      RANT OVER.
      Tom J

    2. Tom J- Thank you for returning to this "irrelevant" blog to set the record straight.
      Sorry you had to break your solemn vow to never return to this, the "irrelevant " blog in order to do so.

      If you could, I know you're extremely busy, please explain how accepting this pump station and the force main is not a new precedent. I think the people need to know this information that only you and your exceedingly proper grammar can provide...."by the say"

  2. How much money does the "association" have to pay for maintaining the pump station and the force main?

    Where are the maintenance records for this pump station? Where are the specifications for this pump station? Is it the same as the other pump stations or are the pumps different ( as in different parts and materials)

    What is the useful life of this pump station and how old is it?

    If you are on the sewer line, you pay for sewer in your taxes as well as your sewer bill.

    The people at Cook Pond pay an association fee as well for this boondoggle.

    When is an agreement an agreement? When is a contract a contract? NEVER in Templeton!

  3. Lets see no septic systems. No problems for solids to be removed. No cost involved with that,you know like others who have septic systems and do need a poop pumper come over. The statement TJ made about paying twice is all over Templeton.
    The cost is also there for the people who want to sell. If the system is over 25 years old theyneed to be redesigned and replaced like those at cook development won't ever need to be. If this blog is so bad why is it the topic at the country store pow wow in the am. Tom is just like the rest of us mistaken from time to time. His rant above shows this when he talks of the extra costs to the home owners assc. If he didn't comment he would have to do nothing but talk at the store about what he reads on this blog.WHY!
    I've taken criticism from Tom about how i've ruined this blog and with requiring a email contact from the people who want to comment. I can only say it's what the person who put me in control of it wanted. For what it's worth i respect opinions from tom and would from anyone else. It's like you heard it before everyone has one. So here's mine tom for you. Don't run the Sewer commission like the Light and Fluoride dept. Tell the whole truth not just what you want people to hear so things pass without answers. Real answers!
    So the point is when you say how would you like to pay taxes and then pay for the sewer on top of it. Most DO!
    Glad you brought it up and with the tax money used up by your commission 75% paid by the whole town in taxes are you saying one development is better comparatively to the rest of Templeton taxpayers who don't have sewer hookups. The majority have septic systems that are a second cost above the taxes paid for the sewer use. Feel free Tom to point out any mistakes or spelling , grammer. So should people not on sewer go and vote no to this as it's not offered to them?
    Will the town have to get loans to put sewer lines in on south and hubbardston road so people there can use it also?
    Can this town afford the new rates when the pleasant street pump station bill comes due. Would it be fair to then ask people not hooked to the sewer to pay more tax for the cook estates to be free from the system they purchased.
    What warranty comes with the used pump station they will give us?
    Remember you promising led to your rant and it's all opinions on the irrelevent blog your commenting on!!!
    Your "welcome" Tom!

  4. "irrelevant" Tom use "spell check" like you told me to one time.

  5. If my memory serves me correct and it often does not, the only other developers pump station accepted by the town was in the Minuteman Drive development off Patriots Rd. This station came in at about the same time as the Phase IVC Templeton Center, Dudley Rd. State Rd. Otter River project and handles about ten houses. The force main is relatively short. This station is in close proximity to the Patriot Rd. pump station. There was no contract involved or deed restrictions if my memory serves me correctly. After this mistake (Minuteman development pump station) the Sewer Commission decided taking on more sewer pump stations was not in the Sewer Departments best interest. The Cook Pond Estate project was a private development as was the Minuteman Drive pump station. The difference is the latter was accepted at its inception and the former was not. The Cook Pond Estate sewer system was seen as a liability to the sewer department and the Minuteman Drive pump station was the precedent for this decision.
