Tuesday, July 21, 2015


July 27, 2015


  1. In my opinion this development should never have had sewer in the first place it was a screw up by the sewer department and a good con job by the developers. I certainly can understand why the residents no longer wish to take care of it.

  2. Wasn't this already shot down, Is it going to be another one of those articles that keep showing up until they get what they want. The Town will be taking on a HUGE liability if this passes.

  3. what are the thoughts of the sewer commission on this??

  4. It is my opinion DO is Stupid that when a town is under the influence of drugs (fluoride) the situation is different. I would not give up on my friends or children if I thought there was something that could be done to get them off heroin. Bringing up the warning concerning the dangers mixing fluoridated water with infant formula is a responsible thing to do. Removing an enzymatic poison and carcinogen from our mists seems also responsible. I to would like to hear what the position of the sewer commission is on this article.

  5. When it was voted down last time Kent Songer said the pump station was state of the art and a good thing for the sewer dept to take on. The help is in place and the one extra station would not be a problem. Operation cost are one thing but the forced main is what i would wonder about. The pump station is at less the capacity and could handle much more inflow. south road could have a hookup and also some of hubbardston also if any extensions were done. Kent made his case for the pump station transfer and other than the documentation issue i could see the vote change.

  6. Sorry Hubbardston road not the town could partly hooked up!
