Saturday, July 25, 2015

Special Town Meeting on Monday...becoming more special every day

Much ado about... what?

As usual, the only people to show up besides the people on the Advisory Board were Carol Garvey and Julie Farrell. It is to bad no one from the Sewer Commissioners or Cook Pond Estates bothered to come, as there are questions that need to be answered, as far as I can see. The last line of the Article bothers me. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate or transfer from available funds, a sum of money for such purpose; or take any other action related thereto.
What money, like from what account ? How much ? Who is going to take the deed restrictions off these parcels ? Has everyone in the development agreed to this plan ? How much money has been put away for repairs to the system ? Do the people asking for this change have documentation listing the repairs, or dates of maintenance preformed to date ? Can the funds set aside for repairs be used by the residents to pay for the deed changes ? Has everyone paid up to date. I do not think it is unreasonable to ask these questions and expect a answer before putting the Sewer Department and the Town on the hook for the responsibility of this system. Has anyone else have any questions ? This blog is for you the residents and taxpayers of our Town of Templeton, so feel free to ask or comment. Bev.


  1. After promising not to ever return to this irrelevent blog since the administrators started censoring it, I am going to break my promise this one time only. I was informed off-line about the pointless, mindless, misleading, inflammatory and just plain stupid comments made by a certain blogger, who has something to say about everything.
    Every single alleged “issue” that was brought up has been discussed and/or acted upon at several recent sewer department meetings.
    The Cook Pond residents have done all the legal necessities to dissolve the homeowners association and relinquish control of “all things sewer”. Their lawyer has addressed deed issues. The engineering firm has blessed the pump station sans a couple of minor issues such as a broken light switch. The land transfer will cost $1 (I will donate the dollar if you feel the town can’t afford it.) The pump station was designed and installed per Kent Songer’s specs. This situation is no different than any other developer installed pump station in town. The residents have paid for everything and simply having the sewer department accept the pump is not a new precedent. Those residents are paying double. They pay the sewer betterment, the quarterly sewer bills, plus the cost to maintain the pump station. You talk about fairness, how would you feel if you had to pay all that?
    If BevBart had simply picked up the telephone and inquired about her reservations or attended a sewer department meeting, all the concerns could have been addressed instead of running her pie hole all over the internet. If this is how “concerns” are expressed it’s no wonder there isn’t any cooperation from the Light and Water department.
    And by the say BevBart, You really need to take a course in grammar and spelling. J

    Tom J
    IMHO, a bit of an overreaction to a few simple questions.
    More comments :

    1. Lets see no septic systems. No problems for solids to be removed. No cost involved with that,you know like others who have septic systems and do need a poop pumper come over. The statement TJ made about paying twice is all over Templeton.
      The cost is also there for the people who want to sell. If the system is over 25 years old theyneed to be redesigned and replaced like those at cook development won't ever need to be. If this blog is so bad why is it the topic at the country store pow wow in the am. Tom is just like the rest of us mistaken from time to time. His rant above shows this when he talks of the extra costs to the home owners assc. If he didn't comment he would have to do nothing but talk at the store about what he reads on this blog.WHY!
      I've taken criticism from Tom about how i've ruined this blog and with requiring a email contact from the people who want to comment. I can only say it's what the person who put me in control of it wanted. For what it's worth i respect opinions from tom and would from anyone else. It's like you heard it before everyone has one. So here's mine tom for you. Don't run the Sewer commission like the Light and Fluoride dept. Tell the whole truth not just what you want people to hear so things pass without answers. Real answers!

      So the point is when you say how would you like to pay taxes and then pay for the sewer on top of it. Most DO!
      Glad you brought it up and with the tax money used up by your commission 75% paid by the whole town in taxes are you saying one development is better comparatively to the rest of Templeton taxpayers who don't have sewer hookups. The majority have septic systems that are a second cost above the taxes paid for the sewer use. Feel free Tom to point out any mistakes or spelling , grammer. So should people not on sewer go and vote no to this as it's not offered to them?
      Will the town have to get loans to put sewer lines in on south and hubbardston road so people there can use it also?
      Can this town afford the new rates when the pleasant street pump station bill comes due. Would it be fair to then ask people not hooked to the sewer to pay more tax for the cook estates to be free from the system they purchased.
      What warranty comes with the used pump station they will give us?
      Remember you promising led to your rant and it's all opinions on the irrelevent blog your commenting on!!!
      Your "welcome" Tom!
    2. "irrelevant" Tom use "spell check" like you told me to one time.
    3. If my memory serves me correct and it often does not, the only other developers pump station accepted by the town was in the Minuteman Drive development off Patriots Rd. This station came in at about the same time as the Phase IVC Templeton Center, Dudley Rd. State Rd. Otter River project and handles about ten houses. The force main is relatively short. This station is in close proximity to the Patriot Rd. pump station. There was no contract involved or deed restrictions if my memory serves me correctly. After this mistake (Minuteman development pump station) the Sewer Commission decided taking on more sewer pump stations was not in the Sewer Departments best interest. The Cook Pond Estate project was a private development as was the Minuteman Drive pump station. The difference is the latter was accepted at its inception and the former was not. The Cook Pond Estate sewer system was seen as a liability to the sewer department and the Minuteman Drive pump station was the precedent for this decision.


  1. Ok Dave, nice catch on the spelling error “my bad”. Anyway I find it really difficult to follow your commentary. If you have specific questions I’ll try to answer them here, but I will not continue to be on this censored blog for reasons I have already stated. I’ll try to answer some issues, as I understand them though.
    1. The country store meeting rarely discusses sewer due to the risk of being charged with having secret meetings or whatever it’s called.
    2. I believe Cook pond residents pay about $300 for road maintenance and other maintenance including weekly pump station inspections.
    3. The taxpayers already voted to accept the sewer infrastructure with the intention of also accepting the pump station, but the pump station was excluded due the easement/land issue, which is now taken care of.
    4. The engineering firm specified by Kent has inspected the pump and found it to be up to specs. The association, not the town or the sewer department paid for 3 and 4. In fact the town hasn’t paid for anything.
    5. I’m told by Kent that the pump station is the best and most modern one in town. I am not an expert on it, so I have to rely on the expert opinion.
    6. As far as the 75%/25% ratio on the upgrade, it was my understanding that it was a requirement of the government (USDA?) that it be apportioned in that manner, although I was not part of the project.
    7. I believe that the original Cook Pond developer had gone to the State and the sewer was forced upon the town. So would you prefer to have it undone? It may have been better to have located the pump station elsewhere so more of Hubb road could tie in but it is what it is now.
    8. You retorted to my comment about paying double. With that argument Cook Pond is paying quadruple. 75/25 on the taxes, regular sewer rates, betterment charge, plus paying for there own pump.
    9. I have no dog in the fight, but in my opinion accepting the pump station the right thing to do.
    10. My main bitch is that there is a clique who do nothing but complain and get everyone stirred up when a simple phone call or attendance at a meeting would answer a lot.
    11. Dave, I have a hard time digging the meat out of your postings, so if you have a specific issue why don’t you contact me at or even better why don’t you attend a sewer meeting and find out what is going on. The meetings are always open to residents and we treat visitors with respect, so I do not understand your (or Mrs Farrel's) comment about being truthful. Just ask !

    1. And by the way Dave, if you choose to republish my comment you have the right to do so, but you DO NOT have the right to edit my comments by highlighting bolding or making any other change. You KNOW what I am talking about and it just gives more credibility to my argument about censorship.

  2. Just for the records Tom i did go to let the commissioners know i was the new Local 39 shop steward. Funny thing there was not enough commissioners to have the meeting. Hard to believe but only one of the three paid commissioners were there.
    Mark had to tell those who did show up no meeting will be today. So as for asking questions i'll go to Kent for the answers i need. As for the other things this blog have to offer they are all voluntary for public view,like you and your comments and other points you make about others. Sorry people have the right to write what they want here just like you do. Edit or not don't like it don't read it. I think you read more irrelevant stuff here cause you want to. Thing is everyone has to own what they write and that makes some irritated,am i right? HIGHLIGHTING was not done by me but if i did repost this more irreleventing points would be. Just my opinion Tom.
    So Tom next time i go to a sewer commission meeting and you and another commissioner don't show expect another HIGHLIGHTED BLOG. The next one "will" be from me.
    2,000.00 for 12 meetings or is that now 11 or less?
    I've been to many Light and Water commission meeting and NEVER did they say we can't meet due to lack of commissioners.

    1. Dave, I don't intend to get into a pissing contest. Like I said, ask a direct question and you will get an answer. You have my email. As far as a cancelled meeting....sometimes things happen that are unavoidable. To my knowledge that was the only cancelled meeting since I have been a member. There are more doings by the commissioners than simply attending twelve meetings, but if it bothers you so much about the stipend I can donate 1/12 back to the town. In fact I would suggest you start a citizen petition to do away with the stipend if it bothers you that much Dave.
      Finally please refer to my previous post numbers 1-12 above and you should have your answers, if not email me because I do not intend to further this column because all you are doing is whining. And please DO attend our next meeting. Since you couldn't get elected to the light board, I'd be happy to resign from the sewer board and have you appointed in my place. Then you can get the 2 grand if its that important to you. Don't forget your "union strong" shirt. :)

    2. Gee Tom, and you wonder why this blog limits nasty, name calling comments, read what you wrote about me and the nasty attitude you have put out for all to see ! You wonder why we had to work to clean up some of the nasty posts people wrote. I have my big girl pants on. I do not care what the "store round table says" now or ever. I am on the Advisory Board and no one showed up to answer any questions that we had. I will watch out for the Tax Payers in this town, like it or not, Do you understand ?? Bev.

  3. I guess the condition of the email requirement has a bit of sour with some who use to post under multi names and if it were still that way we would hear from 4 or 5 extras who use to think we didn't know any better.
    Kent will be streight with the questions i need to ask him!
    Pissed off is one thing pissing match is another.
    Which is it?

  4. Tom just so you know as a town employee i can not cash a stipend check. When i ran for L+W i would have donated my time like i have many times for the town of Templeton. As those who donate their time to Templeton know we are, i would say a small bunch. When the chips are down there are those of us who step up and many get knocked around for it. Take the town hall just for one topic. With this small group it's not about the money unless it's what the town can save from all
    our efforts.
    #12 is the real question that needs to have an answer.
    First of all more of nothing and why don't you donate all your stipends to show your support to the town and the financial hardship we have gone though. Or is it the money you do it for.
    When someone points out facts that are 100% true the people who are getting pointed at react just like you have Tom.
    It must have bothered you enough to break your promise.
    Can we still think you are a man of your word after this Tom.
    Spellcheck,Manners,Honesty. Try it sometime Tom you might like it.

  5. Honest to God. How have we functioned without Tom J? It boggles the mind that we have been able to manage without his proper grammar and punctuation, never mind the snide remarks! What will we do without him?

  6. Lets see, Dave Smart takes $250.00 every year from Templeton taxpayers for new boots, and he will say it is in the union contract and he would be correct but he does not have to take it, he could wear the same boots for say 2 years and if $250.00 is spent on a pair of boots, they should last longer than one year. Of course when someone else is buying, it is easy to spend their money but Dave then questions Tom J. for taking a stipend, just wonderful! How about you both turn the money down and then as shop steward, Dave Smart could steer the union members from pushing for the boot allowance and they can pay for their boots out of their pay checks. Both Dave Smart and Tom J. post if you have questions, just call me and ask. Seems neither like the posting of their respective departments business and policies on this blog that no one reads! Hopefully members of the sewer commission along with the sewer superintendent will be at the STM to answer these questions before the vote. Did the state force the Town to allow this private line hook up to Town sewer? Whether that was the case or not, what was the vote of the sewer commission members at the time of the hook up and who signed off on the hookup? At the time, was it possible to extend the existing sewer line to shorten the run of the forced main and if that had been done, would that have allowed increased access to Town sewer? Since everyone already pays for sewer by the 75/25% split, it seems that the people who live at Cook Pond simply wish to get out of the situation they have now, paying for the sewer pump station that they should have known when they purchased their homes. You can not really blame them for wishing to get out of what amounts to another tax. Personally, I would like to see the selectmen office open 40 hours per week rather than the current 31 hours.

  7. Jeff enough with the false statements if you checked or even asked you would see a portion of my boot money was not used and turned back to the town. I'm a pair of winter boots ahead now and hope to replace my 2 year old
    "worn out "carolinas with new summer ones soon. We work winter and summers so to wear the winter boots in the sumer would be hard on your feets! Yes we wear out the boots in two years and theres a reason for it. We do work in them! If you had Diabetes like some of us do you would take care of your feet too! Don't forget the "safety" glasses we get one pair per year up to 160.00 in the contract also. These are standard for most any union contract,but i'm sure you knew that Jeff Bennett.
    If you look at a post above you can email Tom j and get the answers you want we know it's the only way for you to get it.
    Come to think of it i never saw you at any L+W mmeetings either. I guess it's better for you to just post comments about things instead of face to face questions like i do most of the time.
    So put on your 5 year old Hermans and keep repeating the same things time and time again.
    We're all use to it! Just Wonderful to hear it over and over again and again on and on.

  8. if I have questions about sewer I can talk to my neighbor Mark who is on the sewer commission or I can call Kent Songer. Is it a false statement to say you get a $250.00 boot allowance every year? How did you get ahead on winter boots? Buy a pair when you did not need one? Dave, I never shared with you the emails to John Driscoll and why would I go to meetings where you post you can't get answers anyways! If I really get interested in L&W, I will check in okay! Speaking of repeats, how is that "we do the best we can with what we have" working for you! All I was doing is pointing out the similarities between you and Tom J. You taking a potshot at him for taking a stipend and you taking boot and eye pro money from the Town when you could opt to buy them out of your paycheck, but like you posted before, you wear them out working for the Town so why not, and that is a paraphrase of what you posted. He wrote if you had questions, to email him or go to sewer, same thing you wrote when I posted about my visit to highway on a Sunday. My take on the above postings from Tom and you was we have peat and repeat here. Now go spend some time with your family Dave.

  9. Forgot to tell you about the coat allowance and 5 yellow T shirts required by the town for us to wear.
    Our Local 39 contract signed June 1st is public record and if you want a copy Jeff or anyone else can get it at the town office.
    After 1 year and 11 months we now have a signed contract wich will expire on June 30 , 2016
    Sorry Tom i missed a m in summer,my bad!

  10. Jeff BennettJuly 26, 2015 at 11:11 AM
    Lets see, Dave Smart takes $250.00 every year from Templeton taxpayers for new boots,
    End of that story!

    david smartJuly 26, 2015 at 2:25 PM
    Jeff enough with the "false statements" if you checked or even asked you would see a portion of my boot money was not used and turned back to the town.

  11. Actually Dave, what is the rest of the story, how much of the 250.00 did you turn back in, how much of the 160.00 did you use and how much is the coat allowance and shirt costs? In other words, how much did you take from the Town?

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. So how we got from crap to boots is a stretch. All I needed was a answer to what I felt were good questions so the Town does not get into a tight spot with no way out.

  14. The hypocrisy of Dave Smart talking smack about sewer comm. getting a stipend while Dave is taking on the back end. The sewer questions call sewer dept.

  15. Only what is deserved as compensation from the town of Templeton is what we get.

  16. Notice the lack of answers to simple questions along with sense of entitlement.

  17. It's compensation Jeff like the paycheck you take for doing what you and everyone else does!
    so the people of Templeton have seen the sewer lack members to have meetings in the past. Not this commission but others used the rules to keep action from getting done that needed to. I think you make a total non issue a issue every time you get a chance to read the blog.
    if this is a campaign tactic good luck with that?

  18. Did not know I was running for anything other than an interest on Advisory Board.
