Friday, July 24, 2015

Why I Turned Off the Tap & Said “No” to Fluoride

Why I Turned Off the Tap & Said “No” to Fluoride
July 20, 2015 by Megan Heimer

Before I hit my 20’s and my period of enlightenment, I never questioned fluoride. I knew it was in my drinking water, always used a “#1 Dentist Approved” fluoride toothpaste, and I opted for the fluoride treatment at the dentist’s office twice a year. Fluoride was good because the government said it was and so did the toothpaste bottle. You don’t want cavities, right?

I never thought to question it until I sat through a series of dissertations, one of them dedicated to the dangers of fluoride. After sitting through a 40-page synopsis, I wasn’t necessarily convinced but I knew I had some research to do. If fluoride really was a toxin that could cause harmful effects and there really wasn’t proper science in place to justify flooding our bodies with it, I wasn’t about to continue poisoning myself. Who would?

It didn’t take long before I  switched to fluoride-free toothpaste, turned off the tap, opted out of the fluoride treatments at the dentist, started limiting processed foods, avoided produce sprayed with pesticides, and upped my label-reading game (as it was common for companies to boast their added-fluoride products). Why? Because fluoride is a neurotoxic, hazardous waste that causes birth defects, osteoporosis, teeth fluorosis, thyroid problems, lower IQ, central nervous system problems, cancer, and an increased risk of Alzheimer’s.

Here’s Why You Should Consider Turning Off the Tap

We’ve known about fluoride for a long time and it’s presence naturally in water, the environment, and the body, but it has never been beneficial to our health and there are no proper epidemiological studies that show otherwise. The short version of a long story is that the “research” that forms the basis of our pro-fluoridation policies today, was manufactured during the time of the atomic bomb. You see, millions of tons of fluoride were needed to produce the atomic bomb.

At the time, they didn’t know fluoride was one of the most toxic substances known to man, and scientists, workers, and people in nearby communities where fluoride was being used started to suffer very negative health effects – bad…bad…health effects like the disintegration of teeth, decreasing mental faculties, lung problems, wounds and poor healing, and death (autopsies of which revealed lungs similar to those of WWI poisoned gas victims).

The type of personal injuries suffered could have taken down the entire nuclear program and this was World War II and the U.S was on the cutting edge. To combat potential litigation (and a huge lawsuit brought on by injured farmers), Harold Hodges, a biochemist who specialized in bones and teeth was put in charge of fabricating toxicological data that fluoride was beneficial; and what better way to test for toxicity of fluoride then to add it to drinking water?

In 1955, the Journal of American Dental Association declared fluoride was safe for humans in small concentrations based on Hodge’s work and other hand-picked atomic bomb scientists, making it almost impossible for people injured by fluoride to bring successful claims. It was deemed that where fluoride was present, people had fewer dental caries. What was omitted from the studies (and later discovered) is that these people also had fewer (or in some cases no) teeth. But hey, the atomic bomb program was preserved and we had some great propaganda to brainwash Americans into thinking fluoride was actually good for them!

It's true. Fluoride can prevent people who have no teeth. 

Years later numerous documents, memos, and the real data were revealed. It’s so twisted and convoluted that I felt like I was reading a SciFi novel set in the scene of a communist country, but I get it. Litigation could have brought down the nuclear program, compromised national security, and can you imagine the litigation that would ensue now if it was admitted that we had been lied to for decades?

Do you understand the type of distrust this would create in the agencies that promote this ludicrous fluoridation policy? You remember the Big Tobacco and asbestos litigation right? This is that…on steroids. This is why lead researchers and scientists who conduct studies and write memos questioning policy and the safety of fluoride are demoted and fired.

The Centers for Death Control (CDC), Environmental Poop Agency (EPA), United States Health (Dis)service, Federal Death Association (FDA), American Mafia Association (AMA), drug industry, and the American DingDongs Association (ADA) all endorse, protect, and promote the mass drugging of the American people with fluoride. (Kind of like they did with DDT.)

While the United States government is busy covering up and manipulating science as usual, 97% of the European World has flat-out rejected fluoride for lack of scientific evidence, the belief that people should not be mass medicated without their consent, and because there are better (and safer) ways to prevent tooth decay. (I personally think Swedish scientists are insanely smart, so I’m with them.)
Non-European countries like China stopped fluoridating because dental fluorosis rates skyrocketed and the pits, splotches, and permanent stains were a turn off. Israel ended water fluoridation in 2014, and Japan fluoridates less than 1% of their population. Most countries in Africa are not fluoridated, and guess what, they have AMAZING teeth.

But fluoride occurs naturally in nature, food, and our bodies so it’s safe for everyone.

In anticipation of the most ludicrous argument used in defense of injecting or ingesting harmful substances, you should know: despite the natural occurrence of calcium fluoride in any number of things, that doesn’t make fluoride safe to ingest. The same type of fluoride they put in our drinking water is used in insecticides, phosphate fertilizers, roach killers, and is a hazardous waste byproduct of the aluminum industry.

Think I’m wrong? According to the CDC, we add 3 forms of fluoride to our drinking water: fluorosilicic acid, sodium fluorosilicate, and sodium fluoride.

Fluorosilic acid is a carcinogen. If ingested it could cause a burning sensation, abdominal cramps, shock, vomiting, or collapse. The substance may have negative effects on bones and teeth, resulting in fluorosis. (Well, isn’t that ironic?) It is a corrosive and the CDC says to “AVOID ALL 
 CONTACT!” Yet, we pour this in our drinking water. Makes perfect sense. Don’t worry though, corrosive substances are safe when you’re only ingesting small amounts, especially when it comes to children.

Sodium Fluorosilicate is a poison – like real, skull and crossbones poison. Don’t eat it, keep it away from “food stuffs,” it will rot your teeth, rot your bones, and stop your heart poison. That’s just what the CDC says anyway. You’re supposed to seek medical attention if you come into contact with this stuff…unless you’re drinking it of course. Then it’s all good.

Sodium fluoride is another skull and crossbones poison. This is what’s in your toothpaste and is why there is a poison warning on it. Schools use the “NaFrinse” for their fluoridation programs, a “medication” that contains 3 grams of this toxic stuff complete with a could be “fatal if swallowed” warning.

Sodium Fluoride is classified as a hazardous substance by the EPA and the CDC says it can cause all of the symptoms from the other two plus convulsions, diarrhea, cough, central nervous system problems, bone disorders, unconsciousness, and damage to a developing fetus. No big deal really. If the person is conscious just have them induce vomiting and seek a medical doctor stat. Oh, and most importantly, drink more water containing sodium fluoride to help flush the sodium fluoride out of your system.

Fluoride Does Not Prevent Cavities

Now, you’ll have some science deniers out there who actually believe fluoride prevents cavities. Give them grace. Brainwashing is hard to overcome. But, a brief review of the studies that formed this warped thinking and the CDC’s own descriptions of fluoride should be enough to convince us that this corrosive substance isn’t good for our teeth. Maybe instead of poisoning our kids with fluoride the government should go after the number one cause of cavities? (Cough. Soda.)

“The prevalence of dental caries in a population is not inversely related to the concentration of fluoride in [tooth] enamel, and a higher concentration of enamel fluoride is not necessarily more efficacious in preventing dental caries.” THE CDC

Fluoride is Toxic

The most prestigious medical journal in the world said that fluoride is neurotoxic and called out the government for presuming this chemical is safe when it hasn’t been properly tested.

Since 2006, epidemiological studies have documented six additional developmental neurotoxicants—manganese, fluoride, chlorpyrifos, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, tetrachloroethylene, and the polybrominated diphenyl ethers. […] To control the pandemic of developmental neurotoxicity, we propose a global prevention strategy. Untested chemicals should not be presumed to be safe to brain development, and chemicals in existing use and all new chemicals must therefore be tested for developmental neurotoxicity. – Courtesy of the LANCET (which also lists some really great examples of how science has gotten it wrong in the past).

But let’s pretend a corrosive substance can actually be good for us – just a little amount in water won’t do us any harm. But what about the fluoride we accumulate from other sources like toothpaste, bottled water, teflon, dental treatments, air, pesticides, and processed foods?
How many of us have swallowed toothpaste? Does your toddler know how to swish and spit? Fluoridated toothpaste contains about 1,000-1,500 ppm of fluoride, which is enough fluoride to kill a tiny human if they consume the entire tube. That could be why there’s a poison label on your toothpaste. Hello? Anyone?

I’m not sure what’s worse, having to supervise my child to make sure they don’t swallow poison or the fact that they’re brushing their teeth with poison in the first place. If fluoride is so safe and wonderful, why not take the poison warning off of the toothpaste and let our kids just have at it? Why not put fluoride in swimming pools so when kids swallow copious amounts of chlorine they can do their teeth a favor and swallow some fluoride too? (Sadly, this has actually been suggested.)
Maybe because fluoride can cause numerous health life-long and debilitating health conditions and 80% of the U.S population now has teeth fluorosis – holes, stains, pits, and splotches caused by exposure to significant levels of fluoride during development and the first 8 years of life. Yes Mama, 60% of the fluoride you consume goes straight through the placenta to baby. Aint’ nobody want none of that.

(But if you’re still on the fence, this is curable. Go to Google, type in “dental fluorosis,” and click on images.)

If You Want to Avoid Fluoride, Turn Off the Tap and Take These Steps:
1. Switch to fluoride-free toothpaste.
2. Avoid non-organic produce (especially blueberries, grapes, raisins, lettuce, potatoes, and citrus) and processed grains, cereals, juices, yogurt (with added fluoride), hot dogs, and soda.
3. Only drink organic tea, especially if you drink green or black teas.
4. Just “say no” to fluoride treatment at the dentist’s office.
5. Get rid of your non-stick cookware.
6. Avoid un-necessary medications (many of which contain fluoride).
7.  Don’t buy a house next to a power plant.
8. Invest in a water system or go cheap and buy a few refillable containers and fill up at a Water Store. Make sure your water is reverse osmosis and chemical-free.
9. Avoid tap water disguised as bottled water.
10. Join an initiative (or start one) in your community to get this poison out of your water!

For the sake of concession, I’ll admit fluoride prevents cavities in people who have no teeth. But for those of us who want to keep our teeth splotch, pit, and stain-free, our IQs and fertility intact, thyroid, nervous system, and immune functioning properly, and well, just aren’t comfortable drinking corrosive substances whether it’s gasoline or fluoride, we’ll pass.

We’ll also pass on the manipulated data that forms the basis of the ridiculous mass drugging of our kids. There are smarter and safer ways to prevent tooth decay that puts no one at risk; and I don’t know about you, but I’m not putting this junk in my body, let alone my kid’s.

Want to take action and learn more about fluoride? Check out the “Fluoride Action Network” here.
Photo Credit: Shutterstock


  1. The picture that accompanies this article is one that suggests trust. This youngster is unaware that the adults who he counts on to make the right decisions are to busy or distracted to do so. The fluoride that is added to our water is poison and always has been. Big corporations put this poison in our drinking water in 1945 and all were " honorable men." These "honorable men" were the same group who make profits off of war and truly have the love of money. If you think anything of the next generation it is time to ask your Board of Health and Water Commissioners to consider turning off the poison.

  2. With all the other types of fluoride we have why still put it in the water. It cost us money and does nothing for us.
    Think of the children who you will need to care for longer if you don't spend the time to check fluoride out for them. As their guardians it's your duty to check out things that can harm them. So many cities and towns have stop the use. WHY?
    It won't take you long to learn why, if you care. DO YOU???

  3. I used to believe that water fluoridation was a good thing - "safe and effective" even.

    Then my husband began researching the topic and shoving information at me, but I was too busy to look at it.
    When I did review the information, I kept looking for one study or report that would confirm water fluoridation is "safe and effective". I haven't found it yet! It's been over three years!

    I guess maybe people need to be "off fluoride" to really be able to understand all of the deleterious effects it has on human health.

    Just because you have well water doesn't mean you aren't being overdosed on fluoride. Every drive through coffee place is probably using water that has been fluoridated. Every can of soda, bottled drink, processed food item has most likely been made or reconstituted with fluoridated water.

    Does fluoride occur in water naturally in some places?...YES it does. And in many of those places where there is a high level of naturally occurring fluoride, they remove as much of the fluoride as possible.

    When asked where the fluoride comes from for water fluoridation in Templeton, you will not get an answer. It's not the crap they put in toothpaste!

    So yeah:
    "Sodium Fluoride is classified as a hazardous substance by the EPA and the CDC says it can cause all of the symptoms from the other two plus convulsions, diarrhea, cough, central nervous system problems, bone disorders, unconsciousness, and damage to a developing fetus. No big deal really. If the person is conscious just have them induce vomiting and seek a medical doctor stat. Oh, and most importantly, drink more water containing sodium fluoride to help flush the sodium fluoride out of your system."

    Perfectly logical!
