Friday, August 21, 2015

Looking at the agenda for this Mondays BOS meeting, I thought it a appropriate to remind folks of some of the things that came up at the last meeting of the elementary school building committee. This selectmen meeting is probably the beginning of the push to convince town residents of the want/need for a new elementary school.

Jeff Bennett

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Meeting Elementary School Building Committee

At last nights meeting of the Templeton elementary school building committee, there were some more concept drawings shown of the site and how the building will be situated as well as discussion on some past meetings and a schedule of future meetings. Today is a scheduled department head meeting at Town hall on the school site. I believe there may be a joint meeting of selectmen and of the committee on August 24, 2015, the next scheduled BOS meeting according to Town web site. There are some joint scheduled joint meetings, informational meetings and some open house days of the various schools. One that struck me funny or odd to be included in a meeting of a Templeton elementary school building committee was a September 15, 2015 open house of Phillipston school. If this is indeed a Town of Templeton project and it will be a school paid for by Templeton taxpayers for Templeton resident children then why even have a mention of a Phillipston open house?

Those are the types of things that demand people to attend these meetings and I found it sad that i was the only resident in attendance who is not on the committee at the meeting last night. Hopefully the selectmen will be capable of setting a firm agenda early enough before the next meeting so residents do not have to sit at a computer 24/7 to try and keep up with what will be presented.

Jeff Bennett

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