Monday, August 3, 2015

MOONLIT NIGHT...from a friend and colleague


Full moon shining bright
Oh, what a sight                 
Such a beautiful moonlit night

I can go for a walk
Have a romantic talk
All on a moonlit night

I'll go for a swim
Or jog on a whim
All on a moonlit night

Take a stroll through the briar
Or relax by a fire
All on a moonlit night

Cast a magical spell
Make a wish in a well
All on a moonlit night

I'll call down an owl
Or hear the wolves howl
All on a moonlit night

I can do what I want
Dance a jig or a jaunt
All on a moonlit night

But I think my best ploy
Is to sit and enjoy
This beautiful moonlit night



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. That was beautiful and so was the painting. I wonder how many people ever stop long enough to enjoy what nature has to offer, any more. I do, as time goes on I think people stop to smell the roses. As Gilda Radnar said "This is not a dress rehearsal".
