My Name is Paul H Cosentino. I started this Blog in 2011 because of what I believe to be wrongdoings in town government. This Blog is to keep the citizens of Templeton informed. It is also for the citizens of Templeton to post their comments and concerns.
Although may be 7 or more against one, there was no pledge of allegiance to open the meeting. I have been at selectmen meetings at the auditorium before, a couple as a member of the board and there was always a microphone present and used and it was tested and anyone in attendance were asked if they could hear. This was not done and I was sitting in the front, close to the stage and I had no problem hearing the selectmen during the Town meeting. The selectmen posted a meeting but that is about all they did to follow the open meeting law. That was and still is my contention. So the complaint will be forwarded to the Attorney General so at least there will be a record of it.
Although may be 7 or more against one, there was no pledge of allegiance to open the meeting. I have been at selectmen meetings at the auditorium before, a couple as a member of the board and there was always a microphone present and used and it was tested and anyone in attendance were asked if they could hear. This was not done and I was sitting in the front, close to the stage and I had no problem hearing the selectmen during the Town meeting. The selectmen posted a meeting but that is about all they did to follow the open meeting law. That was and still is my contention. So the complaint will be forwarded to the Attorney General so at least there will be a record of it.