Sunday, August 30, 2015

Overdose Vigil Set...Monday 8.31.15

Overdose Vigil Set
Event to rally cause against addiction
Katie Landeck
News Staff Writer

GARDNER  There’s power in numbers.

On Monday, the A.E.D. Foundation will hold a candlelight vigil at Monument Park for International Overdose Awareness Day.

“I am hoping for a couple hundred people from Gardner and surrounding communities in North Central Mass­achusetts,” said A.E.D. founder Michelle Dunn, who lost her daughter, Alyssa, to addiction. “I think that stigma will always impact attendance at events like these, but we will continue to speak out in the hopes of ending this.”

Over the past two years, there have been hundreds of overdoses in the north central area as statewide addiction became a public health crisis. Gov. Charlie Baker has named solving the problem as one of his top priorities in office.

The ceremony on Monday will recognize the toll the epidemic has taken locally. A video has been put together commemorating local people who have died.

“It’s important for the community to come together and honor those who lost their lives and those who continue to fight this chronic disease,” Ms. Dunn said.

After Alyssa passed away, Ms. Dunn attended a vigil in Charleston, an event she found comforting.

“I was pretty numb,” she said. “At the time, I appreciated the community coming together to acknowledge those who lost their fight.”

Ms. Dunn said the evening will be one of “remembrance and hope.” In addition to the memorial video, there will be dignitaries, music, a balloon launch, a luminary ceremony and speakers.

“I think both the balloon launch and luminary will be emotional,” said Ms. Dunn. “I also believe that all of those who lost their lives to this disease will be smiling down on all of us so in that way it brings us comfort.”

The event is free and it is expected to last from 7 to 9 p.m.

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