Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Parking debate for Baldwinville Road.

One subject at Monday's selectmen meeting was about parking on Baldwinville Road on the Templeton Center end, specifically near the Country Mischief. As the talk began, a Templeton resident raised their hand and spoke about parking on Boynton Street should be considered. As a few more examples of safety issues were brought up and then the chair said something to the effect about come with a plan at the next meeting. The resident tried to make one more point and this is when they were cut off by the chair and in a rude way in my opinion. The bigger thing to do was to give the resident a few moments to make their point. What would it have hurt, to give a resident who had taken the time to attend, a few moments of the board's time. Is the board there for the residents or not.  I would also note that no other member of the board spoke up for the resident.

The parking issue was safety and parking on both sides of the Baldwinville Road and Boynton street as well. Most, if not all the parking involves The Country Mischief store/restaurant. At least one selectmen appeared not eager to upset the owner of the shop mentioned, almost as if that person and shop is more important than the rest of the town and all of the people who drive on that road. Hopefully, this issue is taken care of at the next selectmen meeting and I hope more residents show up and show the selectmen that you are interested on these topics.

Jeff Bennett


  1. When there are doors taken off cars due to the parking situation then something will be done. The parking cuts a two lane street to half a lane each way. Boynton Street is the best option since there doesn't seem to be too much traffic and the library hours are short.

  2. You are right Jeanne, MANY have been concerned about the parking situation there, Its about time something is being done. OR will something be done?
