Thursday, August 20, 2015

Schedule A .........................Introduction

The Annual City and Town Financial Report, Schedule A, is a year-end statement of revenues and other financing sources, expenditures and other financing uses, changes in fund balances, certain balance sheet and other information. Under state statute, the Director of Accounts is required to collect this information from all communities by November 30, 2015. The data collected is based on fund designations, account numbers and classifications contained in the Uniform Massachusetts Accounting System (UMAS) Manual. Information from the reports is incorporated into the Division of Local Services (DLS) data base of historical financial information and is used by State and Federal agencies and members of the Legislature in the development of programs and policies impacting cities and towns. The same information is also available to communities, interest groups and citizens-at-large through the DLS web site. Ultimately, the completeness and accuracy of the data reported are critical to ensure that your community's profile is fairly represented when various state and federal agencies use the information in their decision-making processes. In the event that a city or town fails to submit a Schedule A by November 30, the Department of Revenue is authorized to withhold a community's local aid distribution. These local aid payments if not made before the close of the State’s accounts payable period may revert to the Commonwealth’s General Fund. The guideline and reference material that follow are intended to assist the Schedule A preparer to work sequentially through the form. Information will not be accepted in any other form or format. Therefore, read these guidelines and review areas that you have had problems with in the past. If you have been diligent throughout the year in maintaining up-to-date records, accomplishing regular reconciliations, keeping debt schedules, producing financial reports and generating periodic trial balances, completing the form will not be difficult. If you have questions about completing the Schedule A, contact your Bureau of Accounts (BOA) field representative. The Bureau of Accounts strongly encourages completion of Schedule A using the Division of Local Services’ Gateway system. The automated program with downloading instructions is also available. Only the Gateway or downloaded program formats will be accepted by the Bureau. Any problems in completing the Schedule A should be discussed with your Bureau of Accounts field representative. Any problems using Gateway should be discussed with Gateway Support at 617-626-2350. If using the automated program, follow instructions on this fiscal year’s cover letter for E-mailing the automated form.

Jeff Bennett

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