Saturday, August 1, 2015

Selectmen given extension over complaint

Selectmen given extension over complaint
Town Manager Search Committee vote called into question
Damien Fisher
News Staff Writer

WINCHENDON — The Board of Selectmen have a few more days to deal with the complaint that it violated the state’s open meeting law, after being granted an extension by the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office.

The board was served with a citizen’s complaint last week over the way members of the new Town Manager Search Committee were selected. The complainant, Kevin Miller, contends that the board acted illegally when it appointed the committee members without a public vote.

Under state law, open meeting law complaints are first filed with the board or committee accused of violating the law. That board then has 14 days to resolve the matter, giving selectmen  until Aug. 11.

However, this week the town’s attorney requested and received until Aug. 14 to craft some form of a resolution. The board is not set to meet until Aug. 10. Mr. Miller wants to see the current committee disbanded and a new vote happen in public.

The board selected Dave Romanowksi, M.J. Galat, Jason Moury, Jessica Murdock, Felicia Nurmsen, Ruth DeAmicis and Burton Gould for the committee during its July 20 meeting. However, the selection of the seven committee members did not include a public vote, or any public discussion. Instead, the board took a 10-minute recess to tabulate secret ballot votes that had already occurred outside of the meeting.

The selectmen had 10 candidates who sent in letters of interest about serving on the search committee. There was no discussion of the candidates, and none of the candidates were interviewed in public, as has happened for other appointments.

If the board does not remedy the situation, Mr. Miller plans to pursue his complaint through the  Attorney General’s  Office.

Winchendon is currently working with an acting town manager, Bernie Lynch. Mr. Lynch is able to serve for a maximum of six months under that town’s charter, meaning the town needs to find a permanent replacement by November, when Mr. Lynch’s maximum term expires.

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