Thursday, August 27, 2015

Shedding Some Light...TMLWP Meeting August 18, 2015

Shedding Some Light...TMLWP Meeting August 18, 2015

Water Meeting-

Two engineers [ Peter Valinski and Jeff Faulkner] from Tighe and Bond attended the water meeting to discuss options for replacing one of the water towers. The cost of repainting the water tower is very high and will need to be repainted again and again. Replacing the water tower with a structure that will not require periodic repainting is being considered.

Proposals were available to the commissioners for review. There are two options; replace existing water tower with a concrete structure or a stainless steel glass infused structure. There are pros and cons to each type of structure. The goal is to select the type of tower that needs the least amount of maintenance. 

It was stated the asset life for either type of water tank should be 50 years. There are issues of freezing within the tank for either type of structure. The concrete structure is believed to be the most durable. Once a decision is made by the commissioners the bid specs will be written for the type of water tank to be constructed. The tank will be off line because it will need to be placed on the existing site. Demolition of the old tank will be necessary. 

The funding for this project will be a USDA loan. Commissioners will need to make a decision within 2-4 weeks in order for this project to begin in the spring of 2016.

In other news, hydrant flushing is behind schedule due to a problem with staffing. OT is being incurred to try to keep up with the hydrant flushing.There was discussion later in the meeting about a job description for a water laborer. 

The water main leak on Patriots Rd has been repaired. There may be a light at the end of the tunnel regarding the ongoing issue and cost of the state requirement to use flowable fill to repair water main breaks on state roads...or it could be a lighted tunnel.

Light Meeting -
Turbine insurance has been secured through  PURMA .   Future possibilities include MMWECC purchasing the turbine  and then TMLWP would buy it back. They have one year to evaluate the issue and look at the pool refinancing option.

Collections -
Customers in arrears are being taken to small claims court. There is a court date on September 28, 2015 at 9:00 am in small claims court.

Vehicles - Light truck #25 has arrived. 
The TMLWP manager's new vehicle will be ready in 6 weeks. Commissioners want the old vehicle (70,000 miles) to go to Alan Mayo or to stay with the department. They don't want to surplus the vehicle and give it to the town.

Meter deposits -
$300 will be the minimum meter deposit. There is no maximum amount that can be charged for a meter deposit. An average will calculated for each new meter service and a deposit cost calculated on that average. 

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