Tuesday, August 18, 2015

SITE COST ALLOWANCE GUIDANCE General Description The MSBA site cost allowance is for basic site development costs related to an approved project. The Site Cost Allowance may cover a portion of site costs related to basic site work such as excavation, earthwork and site preparations, pedestrian walkways, basic site utilities, basic site drainage, basic play grounds/yards for elementary schools, fields for physical education and general student use, and basic landscaping. The goal of MSBA partially funding any site allowance is to fund basic, standard and common site needs for any school project pursuant to a building plan that the district and the MSBA agree upon in the Project Scope and Budget Agreement. Allowance The MSBA may provide a site cost allowance not to exceed 8% eight percent of approved building construction costs, as determined by the MSBA, for basic site work subject to: (1) the district submitting a written site plan description accompanied by an itemized scope and budget document in detail sufficient for MSBA review of the proposed site plan and related costs, and (2) prior written agreement from the MSBA on the scope and budget for the site costs and site allowance. The MSBA will not reimburse for site costs that: (1) exceed 8% of the approved building costs of a project, (2) are categorically ineligible, (3) are not included within or are in excess of the MSBA agreed upon scope and budget document, and/or (4) are determined to be ineligible at any time by the MSBA including upon final audit pursuant to MSBA audit procedures. Generally Eligible Site Costs, subject to submission of detailed budget/scope and approval by MSBA: Costs associated with basic landscaping. Costs associated with basic excavation and earthworks. Costs associated with basic site utilities. Cost associated with pedestrian walkways on the site. Costs associated with basic play yards for elementary schools. Costs associated with fields for physical education classes and general student use. Potentially Ineligible Site Costs: The following costs may be considered as eligible for reimbursement within the 8% site cost development allowance only upon prior written agreement by the MSBA as part of a Project Scope and Budget Agreement. The MSBA shall not consider any costs relative to the following site development items as reimbursable expenses if such items exceed the 8% site development cap: All costs associated with water/wastewater treatment and water/wastewater disposal systems including, but not limited to, septic systems, leaching facilities, treatment plants, water/wastewater lift stations, water or sewer pumping stations. All costs associated with non-hazardous site earthworks, including but not limited to, removal of rock or ledge. All costs associated with equipment for outdoor athletic facilities or outdoor athletic use.

Categorically Ineligible Site Costs: All costs associated with synthetic turf. All costs associated with athletic stadiums, including costs associated with excavation, earthworks, and pedestrian walkways within the stadium. All costs associated with off-site traffic improvements. All costs associated with spectator amenities such as concession stands, press boxes, and/or toilet facilities for outdoor athletic facilities. All costs associated with special waste and hazardous or contaminated materials remediation, removal and disposal. Demolition and Building Abatement Pursuant to 963 CMR 2.16 (5), all costs associated with the demolition of buildings are ineligible for reimbursement, unless such costs are deemed by the MSBA, in writing prior to said demolition, to be the most costs effective and educationally sound option. In certain circumstances, the MSBA may allow for an additional itemized allowance for building demolition and/or abatement to be in addition to the 8% site allowance, as determined by the MSBA and explicitly agreed upon in the Project Scope and Budget Agreement. In order to be deemed to be eligible for reimbursement for building demolition, building abatement, or both building demolition and abatement within a building project, the MSBA may reimburse a community for a portion of the costs of building demolition and abatement only if: (i) the agreement is written in the Project Scope and Budget Agreement; (ii) the MSBA determines that the specific plan for building demolition and/or building abatement is necessary to complete the agreed-upon project scope; (iii) the building demolition and/or building abatement requested is not the result of a lack of routine capital investment or maintenance by the district, and (iv) the building demolition and/or building abatement is the most cost effective and educationally sound option. This policy only applies to the school facility itself, and applies only to the removal of hazardous materials within a building, as defined in the Project Scope and Budget Agreement. In order for the MSBA to consider any potential reimbursement for building demolition or abatement to be included in a Project Scope and Budget Agreement, the Eligible Applicant who is seeking approval of a portion of demolition and building abatement costs must submit a written description of: (1) a detailed scope of work, cost estimate, budget and schedule for any proposed demolition, abatement, or both, for which approval is sought; (2) an assessment done by a registered professional on the type, amount, costs and schedule of abating hazardous materials contained within the building; (3) a written description of the local decision making process that resulted in the decision to demolish an existing school facility, including minutes of meetings and votes of the appropriate local governing bodies, a detailed listing and description of other possible uses/reuses of the existing facility (e.g. continued use as an educational facility, or use as community space), and the reasons why demolition is the highest and best use of that facility; (3) a vote of the local governing body approving any substantial demolition of a school building; (4) any other information, reports or materials that may be requested by the MSBA to make a determination that demolition of the exiting school facility is the most cost effective and educationally sound alternative. Depending upon the agreed upon scope of work for a project as outlined in the Project Scope and Budget Agreement, the MSBA may make a determination that demolition and/or abatement costs may be considered as eligible for partial reimbursement within the 8% guideline allowance. Model School Program If an Approved Project has been voted by the Board of Directors to be in the Model School Program, demolition and building abatement costs may be considered an allowable project expense, subject to submission of plan, scope, budget, and schedule by applicant and approval of such by the MSBA.

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