Thursday, September 24, 2015

As some who come to my uncles blog may have noticedlately I've been absent.

            As some who come to my uncles blog may have noticed lately I’ve been absent.

With the Jeff Bennett “spin” directed at your highway crew and my fellow workers I felt compelled to respond and set the truth In motion.  Why would anyone have to take what Jeff Bennett blogs here serious.
People in this town are being told such a line of “Bullshit” time and time again. Repeated over and over again, WHY? 
           When you do nothing but attack a hard working crew over boots pay and benefits you need to wonder what makes him tick. Now that he is on the Advisory board with Kate Fulton another reporter for the Templeton masses were so much better off. Pointing out what he thinks he see’s at 7:30 am on a drive by the Templeton Highway Department would make some think he’s onto something. As with many other things you read here from him that’s again, all spin and no facts. 
          This Blog is not a official Templeton town ask and answer forum that the officials of the town use to inform us. That is why for the most part they don’t. If they did it would only be picked apart line for line word for word by the “speculator in chief” Jeff Bennett.  
           I do thank Mr. Markel for the facts he has put up for Templeton’s people to get the official story from him posted on this blog . I’m sure he takes issue as I do over Jeff’s way of Blog use. Jeff has a way of thinking because he put things here on this blog he should be given a answer. He can ask the same questions at the proper time of the officials who he should be asking. Then Blog his heart out with substance and some people would probably comment on it. I guess you could put part of the blame for his practice on this Blog on me as I chose him to be one of the three that now run it. 

Being that as it is he can lay in it as he spreads it.

The part that pushed me to write this Blog was his last 7:30 am drive by of the Templeton Highway Department blog about the New England public works expo yesterday and today. The facts for your knowledge is no Templeton highway employees went. If he asked he would know that. The reason the place looked the way it did was due to the shortage of help. Pam,Bob and Mark were all off yesterday.
At 7:15 the rest of your highway crew were wearing out the boots on our feet all day cutting and chipping trees to create a better roadway for the people we serve day after day. Just so you know the new equipment we now use speeds up the job and we are well on our way to another new roadway in  Templeton. So for me to sit back and not Blog would be a disservice to the union brothers I serve as their steward.
I Thank all who read my uncles Blog and those who leave the comment’s here .


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    1. Ask your union rep. No union, you buy your own. Good boots are a necessity when you work outside. My ex husband worked for the railroad. We paid big bucks years ago, for good boots. With out good boots your feet would freeze, with out good boots you have no traction. I want Dave in the truck, not under it, especially some night when no one is around. I think of the storms when Dave goes by the house at 2:30 in the morning, and it takes a lot of b---ls to give him a hard time, or any of the guys on the highway. They earn those boots, many times over. Bev.

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