Friday, September 4, 2015

Fluoride Update

Fluoride Update

Scientific reports continue to show the potential for significant adverse effects from the obsolete practice of water fluoridation, reports the Fluoride Action Network (FAN). In June a major review reported that the majority of studies that underpin the rationale for community water fluoridation have been of poor quality. Yet the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and organized dentistry continue to promote legislative and legal strategies to protect and promote fluoridation.  Their celebration of the 70th anniversary of the beginning of fluoridation on September 11-122015 is little more than a PR stunt devoid of any serious response to the latest science questioning both the benefits and risks of this outdated practice.

"Together with the American Dental Association (ADA), the CDC's special interest partner, they hope to revitalize this Orwellian practice that goes against every principle of modern pharmacology. Sadly their aim is to protect fluoridation policy, reputations and their lucrative jobs and not the American public," says Paul Connett, PhD, FAN Executive Director.
Fluoride chemicals, added to public water supplies, are toxin-laced industrial waste products, e.g.hydrofluosilicic acid, never safety-tested in humans or animals.
In January FAN explained why fluoridation is a failed concept.  Since then, the following occurred:
-- US study links fluoridation to ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
-- UK Cochrane Group could find no quality research proving fluoridation reduces tooth decay.
-- Another study has been published that links fluoride to lower IQ in children for a new total of 44 studies.
-- Researchers uncovered evidence showing that the sugar industry colluded with the National Institutes of Health in the 1960s and 1970's to turn attention away from sugar, a proven cause of tooth decay, in favor of other unproven approaches including fluoride.
-- Sheiham and James report in the Journal of Dental Research (2015) that fluoride hasn't stopped sugar-caused tooth decay. They write: "previous preventive measures have clearly failed." 
-- An American Journal of Public Health article (Carstairs, 2015) reports fluoridation was adopted prematurely without harms and risks fully explored.
-- A Legal Scholar reports that fluoridation violates numerous legal and ethical human subjects research protocols (William & Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review
-- American Academy of Environmental Medicine joins Erin Brockovich, a lawyer, dentist, MD and PhD in a letter to the Institute of Medicine notifying the IOM of its failure to warn the government and public of the health risks of fluoridation to subsets of the population.

-- EPA news release announces "White House Honors Georgia Faith Leader for Climate 'Champions of Change.'"  Reverend Gerald Durley, PhD, retired pastor of Providence Missionary Baptist Church in Atlanta, has questioned fluoridation safety along with other prominent civil rights leaders.
-- Henry Rodriguez named "Man of the Year" by the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) for his civil rights work and for creating the LULAC-adopted resolution opposing fluoridation.
-- FAN joined attorney Gerald Steel and other groups in submitting a formal petition to the FDA requesting fluoridation chemicals be officially classified as drugs.
-- A Freedom of Information request uncovered a 2010 CDC report describing a political strategy to protect fluoridation which concluded:  "The American public is becoming increasingly confident about making their judgment about what is good science. The term 'junk science' may no longer be an effective communication strategy."
-- The PEW Foundation admits it orchestrated a NYS law protecting fluoridation against democratic intervention. The "Healthy Tooth Amendment" is suggested to be used in every state.
-- NYS Governor was misled about fluoridation safety by NYS Health Department, Pew Foundation and Schuyler Center.
-- Many more communities stopped, rejected and are questioning fluoridation.
-- Over 36 more studies report adverse fluoride effects in animals and humans or about how to protect the body from fluoride toxicity

Connett says, "It's been 5 years since our (Connett, Beck and Micklem) book, The Case Against Fluoride, was published. No fluoridation promoter has been able to scientifically refute the evidence we put forth.  Instead, they use money, power and influence to force Americans to consume fluoride – many against their will – most without their knowledge."          

1 comment:

  1. Safe and effective, safe and effective, safe and effective, sure makes it easy to post a comment. Fluoridation has been a big fib right from the start. Think about this, if you swallow and eight ounce glass of water you would be consuming about one quarter of a gram of fluoride. If you swallowed this amount of tooth paste you would have to call poison control according to what is printed on the side of the package. The fluoride that is added to your water is in most instances is a hazardous by-product from industry. safeand effective
