Friday, September 25, 2015

It is all about who's cornflakes you are peeing in! I bet if I wrote anything on the Templeton Light and Water Department, Dave Smart would be down with that! Write what you will Dave but the law is in writing, the events are in the record and as you like to say, in December or January, the rest of the story, the whole story will be there, perhaps.

Here is how it is folks, Julie Farrell, Dave Smart and Jeff Bennett, have the password to this blog and as far as I know, that is it. Which is why I am able to post without using the comments section. My speculation is I got the password in anticipation I would go after Templeton Light & Water and the School District. I am an unpredictable individual so surprise surprise that Dave Smart does not like anything on the highway department. You know like Dave Smart writing how he was getting some new carolina summer boots and just a bit ago he said he was getting some new "safer" winter boots, on the taxpayer dime. If he does not like ne writing about the highway department on "his blog", change the password. But when Town meeting vote turns down a new excavator, perhaps his boss should not circumvent that vote by going to the selectmen and Town Administrator to buy anyway.

Dave thinks the light & water screws the people over because they raise the rates when ever but what does he think when his boss takes the peoples road money to buy a new toy that is not used much. Should have bought a NEW truck rather than a new excavator and an old truck.

Dave seems to think it is bullshit to point out a pattern of misinformation. I think it is important, just like some think fluoridation is important. So Dave, perhaps you can speculate and post the copy of chapter of the Massachusetts General Law on bidding requirements for purchase made with any public monies?  Changes are coming Dave!

Jeff Bennett


  1. I understand why Dave is sick of you picking at the Highway Dept over things that are a done deal. The allowance for work boots and safety glasses, are part of the agreement made with the Highway Union and the Town. Why beat a dead horse. Maybe you should go to the Light Department and ask why the women in the office get a clothing allowance. That would be something worth questioning. As for the deal with the excavator, that was done by the Town Administrator and Bud. but it had to be ok'd by the Selectmen. I do not think that Julie and Dave gave you the pass word to the blog for any other reason than to inform the people of activities that go on in this town, that they should be aware of. It does sound like you should run for selectman, then we would have one that knows something. Bev.

  2. Isn't anyone feeling any painful withdrawals from the lack of their fluoride Friday fix? For those who need to know just a little more on the fluoridation subject or their day will be a total waste. FluorideFix

  3. The FACTS jeff doesn't include here are the voters turned down a prop 2 1/2 override to pay for it.
    The voters didn't want higher taxes.The voters didn't vote on the machine just the tax raise to pay for it.
    Just like the loader it was asked to pay for it above and beyond the normal tax rate.
    So now that we are back and forth with a person who has a hard time with telling a story with the facts and uses his thoughts as a basis to put down departments this should get interesting day by day.
    When the department i work for gets the mud slug at it i have a good idea what to do about it.
    I've been called the highway spokesperson by Mr. Bennett. If time after time i don't respond to the mud do i get the title of candy ass? Will Mr. Bennett find a reason to make things more personal than they are now?
    I can only say this Jeff if you keep the use of this Blog as the figment of your imaginary illusions.This Blog will have one fewer administrator that will post.That would be you Jeff. I will post your blogs for you or anyone else that would like them posted. Better yet Julie would be happy to do it for you.
    The ignorant way you post blogs have to change or you will force me to make the changes the people deserve.
    With limited information again and again you spark the illusions you wish to have found.
    It's funny how you at one time were all for the highway and now your all against it. Like the light and water thing just the opposite.
    I guess for now it's game on Jeff.
    I'm Back!
    Just to save you the time I'll Post this as a blog also for you!

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
