Wednesday, September 16, 2015

On the flip side.......

From a business point of view, it seems to make sense to build a new school and eliminate having two buildings to maintain. No more two heating systems, plumbing, electrical and the like. One less area to plow. Every thing will be new so maintenance costs should be lower. Hopefully this new building, if built, will be better taken care of than the present ones.

The Town does need to authorize the borrowing of the entire amount of the project, even though that amount may not be needed to be borrowed. Hopefully, the new Town of Templeton Treasurer will receive or request to be trained on the MSBA reimbursement process so the Towns gets all the money it is suppose to get and the records are kept correctly.

I believe the reason for a Town Meeting first may be just politics as I am pretty sure there is a meeting of the MSBA in November to regarding this project and this may be an atempt to keep the ball rolling in Templeton, at least until December. I think you can check the district website for a complete schedule on this.

Jeff Bennett

1 comment:

  1. It does not make any sense to me, to sink a great amount of money into a new school that does not have any room to expand, never mind the room it needs in the first place. I hope the people who are going to be impacted by this plan are not afraid to speak up. The plan to put this school in Templeton Center is more about trying to keep MSBA happy, than doing what is right for the students. It speaks volumes about the failure of the ESBC to do it's job to find a building site that is acceptable with room for expansion in the future. This is my opinion, Bev.
