Thursday, September 24, 2015

Random Thoughts About Templeton

Random Thoughts About Templeton  

New School -

Is it needed? Yes.  Will the school project pass at the ballot? Who knows?

Has there been a full and accurate accounting of the $1,050,000 for the school building project to date? How much was spent  on the land search? Where did the money that was reimbursed for allowable MSBA costs go? How much was it? Is that money in the Town of Templeton's coffers?

Police Station-

Will the school project be bundled with the police station renovation project?  Will land be taken by eminent domain? Does the Police Station need work? Absolutely! 


How does a town without a bond rating borrow $50 Million Dollars?

If the school project passes at the ballot, what happens if the town is unable to borrow the money

Does the process to re-establish the Town's bond rating include incurring even more long term debt?

 How and when will the town begin to recruit a permanent town administrator? Will the lack of a bond rating hurt that search?

Please attend the forum for the Elementary School 



1 comment:

  1. When the town voted to build the current High School Middle School in early 2000 it was because as I remember the town people wanted to keep their local elementary schools. The study at that time showed that it was an elementary school that was needed but our leaders decided to go the Middle School route. Once that decision to build the school that was not needed was made we should have begun making a priority of taking care of the three remaining elementary schools, this was not done. It appears that an element within the school system has decided to act in a unilateral way going against the spirit of town vote, this seems to have happened other times as we approach the vote on the new school. It is my belief that we should fix what we have and make adjustments on school choice from there. This project has turned into something from the twilight zone.
