Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Templeton Highway has a "new" member in the "fleet"

If you drive by the Templeton highway dept. you will now see a Ford L9000 10 wheel dump truck. If you stop in, you will see it is another rust bucket and the off green/yellow color makes it easy to see rust. This truck has been in the garage there for quite a few weeks. The thing that stands out is the highway dept. made a big case that it has to have an excavator which is used only minimal hours per week and part time yearly, but something that is used daily is not that important. I thought we had a new capital plan with a clear picture on doing things differently? I guess not only are we possibly in for another good winter with lots of snow, we are possibly in for some more 'we do the best we can with old worn out trucks" On the flip side, Templeton does have a very good mechanic and hopefully the time and money required was put into this new old truck to make it mechanically sound? But I thought the Town Administrator made a fuss about how much was being spent on maintenance on equipment, which was one premise on buying a new excavator. And if we can buy a used truck, why could the old excavator have been repaired well enough to get another ten years out of it? Why could we not locate a good used excavator? Why not, because the highway director did not want to, That's why! In my opinion of course.

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