Thursday, October 1, 2015

Donate a Window at Town Hall

Donate a Window at Town Hall

As many of you may know, the Town Hall still needs updates to operate as efficiently as possible.  Since the Town Offices have moved in to the building, there have been many improvements made, but the building needs more done to turn the former East Templeton Elementary School into a more efficient space. New windows will be installed in the next couple of months.

If anyone would like to donate funds to pay for a window, whether in memory of a lost loved one, just because you would like to help your Town, or because you have those wonderful memories of your child attending this historical school, please see the details below.

The average cost of the windows being installed (including labor and materials) is $600.00 per window. For anyone donating $200.00 or more, you may designate a name, whether in memoriam of a lost loved one or in memoriam of your child attending the school or whether you would like your name or another name listed as the donor. The names will be put on a plaque and displayed on a wall in the hallway at Town Hall.

Any donation is appreciated, however, to designate a name for the plaque, the minimum is $200.00. Please fill out the attached form, include your check made payable to the Town of Templeton and mail or bring in to Holly Young, Senior Administrative Assistant in the Board of Selectmen’s Office before November 15, 2015.

Click Here for the Form


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. This is a great idea. For a school that was discarded because it was not good enough, you would not know it now. It seems the biggest failure of the school department is their inability to do any upkeep in the buildings they use. Not on their dime, is what I have heard a number of times. Since when is the trim on a building a part of the roof ? It seems the people in charge used that excuse in Templeton Center. The ability to make the buildings in use look as bad as they can, does not mean the teaching will be any different. It is up to the parents and the voters in the Town of Templeton to get after the people in charge when they see neglect in the buildings or grounds in the town. Yes it is your dime, so make the people accountable do their job. Bev.
