Thursday, October 1, 2015

Templeton Chief: Now's The Time

Templeton Chief: Now's The Time
Station addition could be paid off before payments start on new school
Rebecca Leonard
News Correspondent

TEMPLETON  At a meeting earlier in the week, Police Chief Michael Bennett gave selectmen an update on proposed plans for an addition to the police station and an explanation for running the plan at the same time as the town is considering building a new elementary school.

“There have been questions about why we would want to go at the same time as the school,” stated Mr. Bennett.

Mr. Bennett expects an estimate of the costs to be in at the end of the week, however he doesn’t see it to be more than $1 million.

According to Mr. Bennett, if the police station addition is approved to run on the ballot and approved at the election, construction will begin two years before the elementary school, which is scheduled for 2018.

With a two-year Proposition 2 1/2 debt exclusion tax override – $560,000 per year – the station would add $1 per $1,000 assessed value to the tax rate of residents per year. Once the two-year debt exclusion ends, it would be time for the school’s rate to take effect.

“At that time you would transition into the elementary school, and the taxpayers would only see the second half of the increase of the elementary school. So instead of a huge increase right away, they would see a gradual increase,” explained Mr. Bennett.

Board of Selectmen Vice Chairwoman Diane Haley Brooks brought up a question that has been asked to her concerning the location of the police station: why can’t the department move to Baldwinville Elementary School and fix what needs to be done to the building?

According to Mr. Bennett, the cost to fix the building and to change over the use of the building from a school to a police station would cost more than adding the addition to the existing station. There are also traffic issues at that site.

The final floor plan for the building will include updates to mechanical systems, a new roof, updates to become handicapped-accessible, an additional cell that will be used for female and juvenile prisoners, an interview room, and dry evidence rooms on the main and basement floors.

“We lack a proper evidence room. We have records lined up and stacked up on the lockers and file cabinets,” said Mr. Bennett.

Locker rooms, a break room and an external sally port big enough for two police cruisers – assisting in safely transferring prisoners into the building – are also in the final plans.

The dispatch and entrance vestibule would also be reworked and made larger. According to Mr. Bennett a new indoor staircase will be constructed as well, due to numerous injuries from icy steps in the past.

The training area that is planned could be opened up to the other departments in the area who might need a space. The room would be accessible through a basement entrance.

“As department head my responsibility is also to the community and the taxpayers,” expressed Mr. Bennett, saying he tried to keep the plans as inexpensive as possible.

Mr. Bennett is planning open houses for during the second week of October for the public to have a tour of the current facility and see the condition that the building is in. Presentations for the new addition could possibly be included in the Oct. 7 public forum.


  1. Absolutely correct. If the school project passes, no other town project will get a successful vote for about 10-15 years.

  2. How can any parent vote for this school ? Think about this, I do not see enough room for a game of kick ball, or soft ball. Little kids need to be able to run, and let off steam. I talked with my friend about the memories we share, from going to Templeton Center. We had great fun making a hole in the dirt with your heel, to have a game of marbles. The playground is where children learn to share, and learn about sportsmanship. To build a school with out a playing field, is like having a school with no teachers. Where will people park if there is a holiday event, the kind where parents come to the school to watch their kids, during the school day ? I can not imagine building a school with no room for expansion, none at all, unless you want to go higher ? Do we have a fire engine that can reach three floors ? During the presentation by the people that want to build the school, as they take you on a video ride, they claim that you will see this beautiful school from the road. As a matter of fact the only way you will see it is in the rear view mirror of your car, as South Road will be one way, oops. These people will have your children getting out of your car into traffic, as again, South Road will be one way, heading up from the Common. I do not care what the man says, there is not going to be enough room for snow removal. There is simply no room, period. Great plan, not the right place ! Bev.

    1. I do support the Police in their plan for a addition to their station. They do need the space, and I don't know how they have managed this long. They work under trying conditions, so asking for what they have needed for from the start is not unreasonable. Bev.
