Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Upcoming nuke plant closure could roil New England markets

  • Upcoming nuke plant closure could roil New England markets

  • An aerial view of the Millstone nuclear power facility in Waterford, Connecticut in March 2003.An aerial view of the Millstone nuclear power facility in Waterford, Connecticut in March 2003. File Photo/The Associated Press.
  • An aerial view of the Millstone nuclear power facility in Waterford, Connecticut in March 2003.A portion of the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station is visible beyond houses along the coast of Cape Cod Bay in Plymouth in March 2011.An aerial photo shows the Seabrook nuclear power plant in Seabrook, New Hampshire, in May 2011.
  • By Stephen Singer
    The Associated Press

    Posted Oct. 19, 2015 at 4:49 PM
    Updated at 8:03 PM

    HARTFORD — The impending retirement of Massachusetts' only nuclear power plant could roil energy markets across New England, leading to greater reliance on natural gas, driving up carbon emissions and putting more pressure on pipelines already facing bottlenecks.
    Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station, the only nuclear power plant in Massachusetts, announced last week it will close by June 2019 because it's becoming too expensive to run. Two other nuclear plants operate in New England, at Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant in New Hampshire and Millstone Power Station in Connecticut.
    "We're concerned about the apparent enthusiasm around the states for a leap to fill this void with natural gas plants," said Greg Cunningham, of the Conservation Law Foundation, an environmental advocacy group. "It's heading us in the wrong direction."
    States have set low-carbon emissions caps in law and will have to find ways to meet those goals after Pilgrim goes dark. Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker said the shutdown of Pilgrim will be a "significant loss of carbon-free electricity generation" and will undermine the state's progress in achieving greenhouse gas emission reduction goals.
    Matthew Beaton, secretary of the Massachusetts Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs and state Sen. Benjamin B. Downing, D-Pittsfield, Senate chairman of the Joint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy, said legislation is being drafted to boost wind, hydroelectric and other sources of power. Baker and lawmakers began work on zero- and low-emission legislation long before the announcement that Pilgrim will close to replace power from retiring plants.
    It's the third nuclear plant to close in three years. Wisconsin's Kewaunee plant was retired in 2013, followed by Vermont Yankee last year, prompting the Nuclear Energy Institute, an industry group, to criticize the pace of competitive electric market reforms.
    Regional grid operator ISO-New England warned that Pilgrim's closing will undermine the region's diversity of fuel sources and could make it harder for power plants in the coldest months to deliver power in the quantity and at prices expected by consumers.
    Natural gas is still cleaner than oil, which is diminishing in use, and coal-fired plants that cannot easily win permits. Natural gas use has contributed to dramatically reduced carbon emissions in New England to among the lowest in the country, said Dan Dolan, president of the New England Power Generators Association.
    One way to reduce carbon levels would be to tighten limits imposed by the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, a regulatory cooperative among northeastern states, he said.
    Consumers should not see a jump in prices, Dolan said. An abundance of natural gas and more efficient power plants have helped reduce the wholesale price of energy, though pipeline bottlenecks have pushed up prices in peak times in the winter.
    New England faces an aging stock of power generators, with plants accounting for nearly 4,200 megawatts being retired by June 2019, ISO said. Most will be older plants using oil, coal and nuclear. Of 11,000 megawatts of proposed new power sources, two-thirds would use natural gas, and most of the rest would use wind to generate power, the grid operator said.
    "While not all the proposed projects will get built, the region will only become more reliant on natural gas for power generation as non-natural-gas-fired power plants retire," ISO said.
    New England's dependence on natural gas is soaring. It accounted for 44 percent of the fuel type used for electric energy production last year, up from 15 percent in 2000, according to ISO. Nuclear energy was the next largest source, at 34 percent, an increase from 31 percent. Oil accounted for just 1 percent of electric energy production, plunging from 22 percent in 2000.
    Jeffrey Grybowski, chief executive officer of Deepwater Wind, which is building a five-turbine wind farm off Block Island in Rhode Island and planning a 256-square mile wind farm in the Atlantic Ocean, said the region must diversify to avoid an over-reliance on natural gas. He cited wind power, hydropower and transmission lines bringing power in from hundreds of miles away.
    "We're going to need a lot of different things," Grybowski said.

1 comment:

  1. As our town reports are the way we get the information from departments like the TMLWP. Only if they put the full and consistant amounts in year after year.
    Templeton light reproted for year ended Dec.31-2011
    Millstone #3,Sabrook#1 kilowatt hours purchased were3,684,584. So why would they be entered as one amount.
    Seabrook #3,#4,#5,#6 total 18,961,143. Total all power purchased was 63,196,014
    When we look at the amounts entered as required by law it shows the lack of clarity provided the town reports.
    Some reports were entered in for two years and had only the dates changed. Some years have full financials and others show only partial records. I bring this up because things are not what they look like when you conpair the year to year partial records.
    Why mix two differnet providers in the same amount. Can you tell how much came from seabrook #1 and from the soon to close millbrook. Do we have to help pay for the shut down of millbrook as a cost to get the power over the years we did.
    How much will our rates go up to help pay for the closure?
    This may come to be a shock to people but all the wind and solar power will never come close to whats needed to replace the nukes. There are other things we can use for a power source and our government won't allow it. What the problem is who will make the money on it.
