Saturday, October 24, 2015

WE Don't want new gun controls

An ORC International/CNN poll conducted October 14-17 asked respondents “Do you favor or oppose stricter gun control laws?” 52-percent answered that they oppose stricter laws. One wonders how lopsided the results would have been if respondents were asked if they support a Clinton-endorsed gun confiscation scheme.  


  1. Safer the way it is now. Without the right to carry the bad would only be worse. If the people who did the wrong,Robbers,Muggers,Rapes, knew we couldn't carry they would be unchecked and have a free pass to do what they wanted. Just the thougt we could be armed keeps the crime lower "stats" show this.I have children who carry and i worry less about them knowing they are able to defend in a situation. Not just them but the friends and family around them. The founding fathers got it right when they put #2 on the constitution. All the gun controls we have now only make it harder for those who do it lawabiding and have not changed anything for those who are lawless.

  2. In my opinion Wolfgang Halbig former State Trooper in Florida and School Resource Director makes some very good points concerning who was behind the major incidents used for gun control in America. GunControl
